How to Pass a Drug Test

A quick search of the Internet results in thousands of sites promising to help people pass their drug tests. Certainly, with more and more companies testing employees and perspective employees for drugs, there is a huge market for products that will allegedly eliminate traces of illegal substances from urine. But many of these products either don’t work, or contain ingredients for which laboratories are also screening. In fact, the state of Texas forbids anyone from buying these kits online, and companies that sell these products refuse to ship to addresses in Texas.
Obviously, the best way to pass a drug test is to refrain from using any substances! But the reality is, millions of Americans are casual users of marijuana, and their performance on the job is not affected in any way. Still, their use of this drug can prevent them from being hired for a job, and can also result in their being terminated should a random drug test be conducted. Is there a way to successfully rid one’s body of evidence of marijuana prior to a drug test?
To answer that question, it is important to understand how these tests work and what they are designed to detect. Most drug tests are for THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), which is the primary active ingredient in marijuana. THC is absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract and metabolizes quickly. It is stored in the fat cells and continues to be absorbed by the bloodstream for up to 30 days after ingestion.
Urine picks up THC from the bloodstream, which is why most drug tests are conducted on urine. Many of the products being advertised to help people pass drug tests contain some type of herb. These may be effective in temporarily removing THC from your system, but are will do nothing to remove the THC from fat cells. For years, goldenseal has been touted as “sure thing” in terms of helping people pass drug tests. But studies have shown that even this herb has no affect on the stored THC.
While no method is guaranteed, many people have been able to pass drug tests by temporarily diluting their urine, thus reducing the concentration of THC. The most common way to do this is to drink a lot of water just prior to the test. While the belief persists that a person should start drinking water three days in advance, this is completely unnecessary. Plan on drinking eight glasses of water just before the test. This will reduce the levels of THC in the urine to a point where it may be undetectable.
While diluting the urine reduces THC levels, it will also alter the color of the urine. Testing labs have been keeping up with trends, and if a urine sample is too clear, it will certainly be singled out as suspect. Taking vitamin B-2 or B-12 will ensure the diluted urine will remain yellow.
Some labs also test for creatinine levels. Again, diluted urine will contain much lower levels of this substance, and this may also lead to questions. To boost creatinine levels, eat a lot of red meat or other protein rich foods during the three days prior to the test. Sexual activity is also thought to boost creatinine levels.
Exercise helps burn fat. However, exercising increases the THC levels in the bloodstream, so it is a good idea to stop exercising a week before the test is scheduled, allowing the anabolic process to begin, storing the fat.
On test day, make sure to urinate several times before giving the sample, and make sure the sample is taken from the middle of the urine stream, just enough to satisfy the requirement.
Some people try to alter their urine with chemicals and other household products. Most do not work, and those that do can alter the pH levels and render the test invalid. Here are some products that do not work, despite claims to the contrary:
-Ammonia (Alters pH level and has a noticeable odor)
-Blood (Has no affect)
-Drain (Turns urine blue!)
-Hydrogen Peroxide (Normal household strength does nothing)
-Lemon Juice (No affect)
-Dish Soap (Tests negative but may suds up!)
-Lemon juice (No affect)
Another method that will ensure negative test results is substituting urine from someone who is clean. Of course, this won’t work if someone is charged with monitoring the testing. The sample must be kept at body temperature, and concealed until the time of the testing. This is the least advisable method, however.
No method of altering or diluting urine is foolproof, and as new means are developed to trick the tests, labs are developing more sophisticated tests to identify these new substances. While the issue of drug testing in the workplace is a hot topic, the reality is that employers are using these tests and people who smoke marijuana are finding themselves increasingly more limited as to where they can work. The best advice is that, if you are looking for a job, it might be wise to refrain from using marijuana prior to beginning your job search.