How to Pass a Military Family Housing Inspection Before Vacating the Property: Part II

In Part I of this series, we looked at 3 ways to pass the final military family housing inspection including following the pre-inspection instructions, cleaning the house and making sure that all appliances still work. This article will make consider some further practical ways than can help families pass the housing inspection first time.

Lawn Care

The housing inspector’s job entails more than simply inspecting the inside of the property for cleanliness, damage and so forth. They will also inspect the lawn and inform the occupants that the lawn needs to be cut and weeds removed from all around the property. This also includes any edging work that also needs to be done all around the property.

If a family is experiencing problems with moles digging in their front or back garden and the lawn looks more like a bomb site than a lush green lawn, then this should be brought to the housing inspector’s attention. Military family housing occupants can rest assured that they will not be held responsible for any digging that a mole has done. However, if you have a dog that has been digging in the grass, you will need to take care of this and do whatever is necessary to repair the lawn. While a mole is not your responsibility, your pet dog is.


When it is time for the final housing inspection, the housing inspector will go through their list and expect the family to return all of the keys that were initially issued to the family members. That would include shed keys, front and back door keys, the garage key and any spare keys that the family were issued with when they first moved into the military family housing. Each key will have to be accounted for.

If by any chance you happen to lose or misplace any of the keys, be prepared to pay for the entire locks to the house to be changed. This could run into hundreds of dollars, so be careful and make sure you know where all the keys to the house are. Ask each of your children to return their keys and make sure that when the movers were in your house packing up your belongings, that they did not accidentally pack your keys.

Military family housing occupants who follow through with the suggestions brought out in Part I and Part II of this series will find it much easier to pass their final family housing inspection than families who ignore the recommendations of the housing inspector.

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