How to Patch Aluminum Siding and Replace End Caps

If you have aluminum siding on your home chances are it has a few dings or an end cap missing. Because aluminum siding is so delicate, it is not unusual to need repairs, and most homeowners can save several hundred dollars by doing these repairs themselves.

Aluminum end caps are easy to install or reinstall because of damage. Start by prying up the bottom of the end cap and then pulling down to remove it. Sometimes the top of the end cap will not be dislodged: if this is the case, saw off the end cap as close as possible to the house using a hacksaw.

Next, attach the end cap by nailing through the nailing tabs and into the structure underneath the siding, starting from the bottom. Be sure to use galvanized nails to prevent rust stains. Attach the final end cap using roofing cement by applying it to the back of the final end cap and pressing it into place.

Patching aluminum siding is more difficult than replacing end caps. To begin, decide how large of a piece you will need to remove. This depends on the size and shape of the damage. Cut the area out of the aluminum siding with aviator snips, leaving two inches on the top row of siding still attached to the house. Make sure that it is a rectangle so it is easy to patch, consider drawing a line around the area you wish to remove. This allows you to have a place to attach the pieces that make the patch.

Next cut a patch for each row that was removed. The patch should be about 4 inches longer than missing area of aluminum siding. Start installing the pieces from the bottom up, nailing through the nailing tabs and into the sheathing. On the final row, apply roofing cement on the back of the aluminum siding patch and ease it into place.

Aluminum siding is seldom installed in modern residential construction, and as the patches on your home increase, you may want to consider residing your home with another material. If this is the case, hold off on patching your aluminum siding and call a professional that will be able to replace it with something that has a bit more longevity. You can even recycle your discarded aluminum siding in most areas, just call your local waste management service for information.

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