How to Prepare Your Windows for Winter

Windows and doors create many ways for air to pass into your home. With the air getting colder outside you probably want the warm air to stay in and the cold air to stay out. Windows and doors contribute up to 40 percent of a home’s heat loss, which means you are paying more to keep your home warm. There are a few ways to prevent drafty cold air from entering into your home.

1. Investigate leaks

A good first step into preventing air from getting into your home is to find out where the air is getting in. If a lot of air is getting in you will be able to feel it with your hand especially on a cold, windy day. To check for smaller leaks you could use a candle or incense. Check around anywhere where two parts of the window or door come together. The smoke will blow in the direction the air is moving. Once you figure out where your leaks are you can move on to sealing them. Check the bottoms of the window sashes. If there is no weather stripping or if it looks warn or broken, it should be replaced.

2. Weather Stripping

Weather stripping is flexible and is placed on the bottom of the window sash, where the two sashes meet, and around the opening sides and tops of doors. You can find weather stripping for doors and windows at your local hardware store.

3. Caulking

Caulking is another way of reinforcement against air infiltration. It can be used inside or outside around the window and door frames where air can seep in. There is window and door caulking that can be used specifically for this purpose.

4. Plastic Film

Plastic film is another layer of protection to keep the cold air from getting through your windows and doors. The film is placed over the entire window opening preferably the interior opening. If placed on the exterior there is a chance for moisture to build up and cause damage to surfaces.

If you do not like the look of plastic film over your windows there is a caulking that you can buy that has the same effect called rope caulking. This can be used on any none moveable part where two parts come together.

So now you can get to work sealing those windows and doors and you will be glad you did when those winter winds start to blow.

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