How to Prepare Yourself for Whatever Comes Your Way

1. Types of disasters in your area – It is good to know the types of disasters that can happen in your area from flooding to drought. Different disasters call for different types of preparedness plans.
2. Practice evacuation plans – It is vital to know what to do incase you may have to leave your home, other buildings, or even your community unexpectedly so there is not a rush of chaos and confusion.
Family – Whether it is a fire or other need to get out of the house the family should prepare an evacuation plan that every person in the family can do and should coordinate with work school and community plans.
School – Your school should have a plan that is practiced on a regular basis. School employees and students should know the easiest way to get out of the building safely.
Work – Your place of work should also have an escape route and plan on where to go and what to do safely in an emergency.
Community – Officials in your community should have a planned route for the safest way to evacuate or provide assistance before, during, and after the disaster has passed.
3. Disaster supply kit – A kit should be prepared along with your evacuation plan. In the case that you and your family can not evacuate your home this kit will come in handy to provide basic essentials like food, water, and other necessities.
– Have enough supplies to last you and your family for at least 3 days.
– Check you supply kit every 6 months to keep supplies fresh.
4.Educate children on alarms – Children should know the types and sound differences of alarms so they know what to do when they hear one. Different alarms may include smoke, fire and local community.
5. Teach Children when to call for an emergency
6. Have children memorize information:
– Family name, address, and phone number
– Young children who may not remember the info should carry and index card of the information with them.
– They should know where to meet in an emergency.