How to Prepare a Hurricane Emergency Kit

Hurricanes are a part of Mother Nature’s fury, but you don’t have to live in Florida to be in the midst of one. Even if you don’t think your town will be hit, think again. The best thing you can do is be prepared during hurricane season – just in case – and the best way to do that is to build an emergency kit.

Start to stock up on supplies now. Don’t wait until you hear the meteorologists give the warning, it could be too late by then and the store shelves might be empty by the time you get there. The American Red Cross recommends preparing a kit that will last three days.

First Aid Kit: Make sure you prepare a first aid kit for both your car and home. This kit should include prescriptions, band-aids, antibiotic ointment, alcohol wipes, bandages, scissors to cut the bandages, gauze, tape, pain relievers, antihistamines, latex gloves, safety pins, tweezers, aspirin, antacids, a towel, Calamine lotion for insect bites, insect repellent, tissues, and sunscreen. You can alter the contents depending on your location, but make sure you put the supplies in a waterproof bag or plastic container.

Water: Water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink. According to the American Red Cross, a good rule of thumb is to plan on having one gallon of water per person per day. This will allow you to drink half and use the remainder for cleaning.

Supplies and Tools: Get in the habit of charging your cell phone daily because this could be your life line during an emergency. A flashlight will be useful when your electricity goes as well as a battery-operated radio so you can get updates as to what’s going on. Remember to pack back-up batteries as well. Get a Swiss-Army knife that has all sorts of tools on it. Waterproof matches or a lighter will come in handy for light and for cooking. Get a map of your area, or plug in your Garmin to find out where the local shelters are in case you need to leave your home. Go to the dollar store and stock up on plastic utensils, paper plates, plastic bags and napkins. And lastly, buy antibacterial wipes to sanitize your hands and body.

Special considerations: You never know what could happen when a hurricane hits, so make sure you have the capability of turning off your gas and water in your home. A fire extinguisher is also a good idea. Pack a can opener for your canned goods – there’s no use having tinned food if you can’t open it. If you have children, make sure you pack something to keep them entertained like games and toys. Your cell phone won’t have all of your important numbers so remember to bring your address book. Don’t forget your personal documents – you can’t afford to lose these: passports, birth and marriage certificates, social security cards, deeds, insurance papers, wills, and bank information.

Food: Obviously you won’t be able to cook using the oven or stove, so be prepared with non-perishable foods. Some of the best items to consider are energy/protein bars, crackers, peanut butter, nuts, canned fruit and vegetables, canned tuna/chicken, cereal, dried fruit, and even baby food. If you can’t bear the thought of eating canned food unseasoned, then start stocking up on packets of salt and pepper.

Apparel: If you’re not able to bathe for a few days then you’ll at least want to change your clothes – especially your undergarments. Pack sturdy or waterproof shoes/boots. Bring a sleeping bag or blankets and pillows. And be prepared for more rain by packing a rain coat.

Besides packing an emergency kit, you’ll also want to make emergency plans with your loved ones. You never know what time of day a hurricane will hit, so don’t assume you’ll all be together when it does. Make arrangements to meet somewhere if possible; and if not, make sure you discuss where you will go in the event of an emergency – like a shelter, a friend or family member’s house( if they are outside of the hurricane area.) An emergency hurricane kit can’t save your house, but it can save your life.

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