How to Prepare for Any Natural Disaster

After a natural disaster strikes you may be left without electric or running water. If you do have running water it may be contaminated and unsafe to drink. Your body does require water to survive this is the first thing that you need to pack in your Natural Disaster survival kit. Several gallons of water will sustain a family for several days. Pack food that doesn’t require preparation. Crackers, peanut butter, and other non-perishable items that will store well and for a long time will need to be packed in your kit.
Without electric your ATM card will not work to get money out of the bank, or pay for purchases. You will need cash in small bills, and change. You will need a radio that operates on batteries so that you can keep up with important news. Pack several candles and matches and a lighter, as well as flashlights and batteries. Rechargeable batteries can be recharged with an inverter.
Inverters will also come in handy if you don’t have electric you can plug one end of the inverter into your car’s cigarette lighter to run small electrical items. This is great to have in the car at all times, many things will be able to run off the inverter depending on the size of the inverter that you buy. If you have the inverter you will be able to recharge rechargeable batteries.
In your Natural Disaster survival kit you will want to have clean clothes, first aid kit, and pet care supplies for your pets. Don’t forget to pack the personal hygiene items for all members of the family. Adding a pack of pre-moistened wipes like baby-wipes will be appreciated when there is no safe water, and this will save your drinking water. Pack blankets and sheets for nighttime comfort.
The last thing that you need to do is keep the car as close to full as possible, if there is no electric gas pumps will not work.
Preparation is the key to having everything that you need in case of a natural disaster. Keep the kit up to date with fresh batteries and water and food will need to be checked every few months. Keep the kit in a location where all the family members know where it is, and is readily available to grab in case you need to evacuate or are in a disaster area. Hopefully it will never be needed but if you do need it, you will be glad that it is available.