How to Prepare for Winter Storms

Preparations should be made well ahead of time, before the worst part of winter hits. Make sure you have enough food, drinking water, and supplies for each person in the family ,and pets, to last at least a week.
You should have a variety of canned and packaged foods, that don’t need to be cooked, stashed away. Include ready to drink formula for babies, too. If you want to be able to cook, there are ways to do that if your electricity is cut off. There are a variety of solid-fuel burners and camp stoves available. Make sure the stove is one you can use inside, or you will be cooking outside in the cold. Make sure you have plenty to drink, too. Keep extra supplies around for personal hygiene and other needs. A few boxes of handi wipes can really be a lifesaver if you don’t have any running water. Paper plates, cups and plastic utensils will also make life a lot easier in a winter storm.
A battery-powered weather radio is important to have if you live in an area with frequent severe weather problems. You will be able to keep up with the local storm news, and any emergency bulletins. Having a short-wave radio could be your only contact with the world outside if you live in a rural area. Make sure you have extra batteries for any flashlights or other equipment you may be planning to use if you are shut in due to a snow storm.
For keeping warm, have plenty of warm blankets and sleeping bags on hand. An indoor kerosene or propane heater is a bonus. Always be careful that you have proper ventilation for your type of heater. If you have a generator, know how to use it right, and keep it well maintained. Be sure you check to see that it’s running fine before the storm season starts. If you need electricity for certain medical equipment, you should really consider getting a generator, even though they are expensive. It could save someone’s life.
You should also consider entertainment, especially if you have children. Keep plenty of books, board games, battery-powered video games, paper and crayons, and other fun stuff to do if the power goes out.