How to Prepare for a Winter Power Outage

Be Prepared For Winter Power Outages With Lots of Water
Water is always important. When you lose your power for weeks at a time, there is not going to be any way for you to use the toilet or bathe without some type of extra water supply. Preparing gallons of water or buckets of water is one of the best things that you can do in order to prepare yourself for a winter power outage. If you should lose power during winter and you have not saved any water, think of what available resources you may have. This may mean getting water from a local lake or pond if it is not frozen over. If you have a pool, you also may want to consider taking water from there if you have no other water supply or if your water supply runs out. Of course, if you choose to do any of these things or if you have water sitting around for a very long time, boiling it before using it is pretty important.
Be Prepared For Winter Power Outages With a Cooking Source
It is important to have some way to cook food, which can also be used to boil the water that you may have collected from a lake or pool. There are several options that are available to you. For example, you may want to consider purchasing a gas stove and having it installed now. If you do not have a gas stove, it is important to keep in mind that there is still an available way for you to cook! Consider using your grill. Although you may only think to use it in summer, it can really come in handy during a winter power outage – as long as it hasn’t been covered by several feet of ice! You will probably be able to dig it out of several feet of snow though. Keep in mind that an outside grill should only be used outside!
Be Prepared For Winter Power Outages With Easy-to-Make Foods
Although it is always best to have a source available to boil water, it is a good idea to stock up on some foods which require no cooking or minimal cooking when you know that a big storm is about to hit. Bread, peanut butter and marshmallow fluff are all great choices to have around the house during the time of a storm. You also may want to consider buying cups of soup, which only require you to pour boiled water to heat. Many canned foods also make great choices to have around in the case of a winter power outage! Hot cocoa packets which can just be added to boiled water is another thing to consider.
Be Prepared For Winter Power Outages With a Source of Light
Light is very important to have during a winter power outage, especially if your power should go out for weeks at a time. It is even more important during winter to have a source of light because this is the time of year when it gets darker earlier. Having candles and flashlights available is important. What’s even more important is that you have matches and many brand new batteries also available, as candles and flashlights cannot be worked without them.
Be Prepared For Winter Power Outages With Outside Sources of News
Having a portable radio to listen to is always a good idea during a winter power outage. This will help keep you in touch with any news that may come in about what is going on in your area, the predicted weather and when your power may be expected to return. A cell phone can also be used to call local centers offering updates or the electric company. Keep in mind, however, that your battery will probably need to be recharged if you overuse your cell phone. You may want to consider having a cell phone charger that can be plugged into your car’s cigarette lighter handy. Keeping in touch with the real world can help bring you a sense of hope for things to improve and can be pretty handy when you need it the most. For example, you may want to skip making your own food and call the local pizza place who is running on backup generators for a delivery.
Be Prepared For Winter Power Outages With a Source of Heat
Many people invest in wood stoves or gas heating so that they can have a source of heat available for them to use during a winter power outage. This may be a great idea, even if you do not use your heater at any other time. Having blankets, sweatshirts and long johns available can be very important. It is especially important to keep babies and young children bundled up during a winter power outage. If your child wants to go outside to play during a winter power outage, the best thing that you can do is say no. The reason is because your child may have a hard time getting warm again after experiencing such cold.
A winter power outage can be a pretty inconvenience to many, especially if it lasts for a really long time. However, it is also important to keep in mind that you should always be prepared. Many families begin making preparations, such as stocking up on flashlights and water, towards the middle of autumn, just in case there is an unexpected snow or ice storm that results in a power outage during the beginning of winter.