How to Prevent and Treat Heat Rash

During the summer time the chances of developing Heat Rash is increased dramatically. Heat Rash has also been known as Prickly Rash, Prickly Heat and Sweat Rash. It develops when the sweat ducts become blocked and swell and often leads to discomfort and itching. Heat rash is most common in babies, but may affect adults in hot, humid climates. Lets take a look at how heat rash develops and what you can do to prevent and teat it.

Heat Rash usually develops in very hot weather and usually because of being overly dressed. It can happen even when you are not over dressed if there is extreme heat. Since it is most common in babies it is usually because the parent, although meaning well, dresses the child to warmly. Symptoms look like a cluster of little tiny pimples or small blisters. Clothing on the infected area can irritate it and make it itch and burn as well and possibly cause a secondary infection, although that is very unlikely.

There are several things that you can do to prevent getting Heat Rash. The first thing is to make sure and dress lightly. Basically dress in as few clothes as possible, just make sure and stay presentable. Keep your skin cool and as dry as possible. If possible try and schedule out door activities in the early morning or late evening times and not during the heat of the day. Make sure and keep your skin clean and have good hygiene. Try not to be overly active when in the heat because of the sweating.

If you are unable to prevent Heat Rash from developing there are several different treatments that you can try. Heat Rash does not usually require medical attention. First and fore most, do not use any creams on a Heat Rash unless a doctor does prescribe or recommends them for you to use. In most cases ointments and creams can cause a rash like this to worsen because it keeps it moist. Cool baths or showers can help relieve the symptoms of the itching. Bathing in oatmeal mixes or using oatmeal soaps can help stop the itching and speed the healing process. You can also use powders that contain Corn Starch as they help keep the skin dry. Keep the area that is infected with the rash exposed and as dry as possible. Anti itch medications such as Benadryl can be helpful for those suffering from a severe case of Heat Rash.

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