How to Professionally Clean Your House Fast

Cleaning houses professional was one of the best/worst jobs I ever had in my life. The work wasn’t that hard- not as hard as you would expect- but cleaning up other people’s dirt wasn’t my idea of fun. That was the worst of it. I say it was one of the “best” jobs I ever had because I learned how to efficiently clean my own house. I learned that you can actually clean your house in no time at all…as long as you use some of the secrets of the pros. And that same knowledge has sure helped make my house cleaning easier and less time consuming!

Housework is a fact of life, but it need not consume your life if you just know the secrets of how to do it right.

The first secret you need to know is that you can save an incredible amount of time if you carry some of your cleaning products, as well as tools, with you. To do this, you need to make yourself a supply apron. This apron should consist of several large, deep pockets. (A kitchen apron usually doesn’t have enough pockets. Therefore, you can sew up your own apron. Or, you can check your local home supply store for a carpenter’s apron.) In these pockets, you will carry your dusting spray, glass cleaner, rags, and so forth.

Before you actually start to clean, you will also need a few soft, cotton gloves, or some old white cotton socks. The gloves or socks make great dusting cloth! And, they can be worn over one of your hands the entire time you’re cleaning your house. Just spray some furniture polish on the glove or sock, and it’s easy to wipe off tables, woodwork, knick knacks, as you go along.

Here’s a second secret: You’ll also need to buy some laundry baskets in different colors. Each member of the household needs his or her own basket. Plus, you’ll need a small basket to carry with you. (You can buy laundry baskets at your local dollar store for cheap.) Place a laundry basket in each person’s bedroom. You’ll find out the purpose of the laundry baskets shortly.

Now you’re ready to begin cleaning your house. Along with your supply apron, you’ll, of course, need a vacuum cleaner. If your house is more than one story high, or, if it’s a long Ranch-style home, you should invest in at least one more vacuum cleaner. Keep one on each floor or at each end of the house. This will not only save you time when cleaning, but it will also save your back and arms from carrying a heavy sweeper up and down the stairs! Or, from back and forth across the house!

Here’s a third secret: No matter what name brand or type of vacuum cleaner you own, make sure that it works on bare floors as well as carpets. Carrying a broom and dust pan around with you to clean bare floors is a hassle! Not only that, but a broom isn’t as effective as a vacuum cleaner in picking up dust and dirt. And, a broom stirs up unwanted dust!

Start cleaning your house in whatever room you choose. Here’s a fourth secret: Always start at the doorway and move in a clock-wise fashion around the room. Start at the top of the room and work your way down and around.

If there are any clothes, toys, or odds and ends on the floor, pick them up and place them in the laundry basket- either the basket you’re carrying or the one that you placed in each bedroom. If you’re cleaning a bedroom, the occupant of the room can empty the basket and put their things away later. You just need them out of your way for now.

Dust and clean glass as you move around the room in a clock-wise direction. Moving in one direction is the fastest, most effective way to clean a room. You won’t skip over items like you would if you moved around the room in a hit-and-miss fashion. Then, after the dusting is done,
vacuum the floor and mop it, if applicable.

When you finish that room, quickly move into the next room and repeat the process.

Once you have finished cleaning, you can tell everyone in the house to go through the laundry basket you carried with you and reclaim whatever items belong to them.

And finally, a fifth secret that I have learned on my own: If you need a little “energizer” to help you get done faster, play some catchy music on the stereo. Move to the music, and your body and mind will feel peppier and uplifted!

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