How to Properly Store Your Kids Toddler Swimming Pool

The first thing that you will need to do is clean the pool. Cleaning the swimming pool before you store it will ensure that it lasts longer. This can be easily done by spraying both the inside and outside down with a water hose. If you have a deflateable toddler swimming pool, it is often a good idea to completely deflate it than lay it out on the grass to rinse it off. If you have the hard plastic swimming pools you can simply spray with a hose on both sides and dump out the water.
Once you have finished rinsing out your toddler swimming pool, let it dry in the sunlight. While it is drying, look around the house to see where you can store your swimming pool. The inflatable pools can be neatly folded up and placed in a storage bin. When folding your plastic inflatable toddler pool you will want to avoid causing any rips. Start by laying it flat on the grass. Fold it in half and then fold down. You want to make the swimming pool into one giant square shape. When this is done, you can place it in a small sized storage bin along with any deflatable pool toys that you may have had as well.
For the harder plastic swimming pools you will want to purchase a plastic cover. They sell small plastic pool covers that are made just for toddler pools. You should be able to find one at “Toys R Us”, or you can ask the store where you purchased the pool from it they have covers. Even if you plan on storing the pool in your garage or shed it is usually a good idea to cover it up. It keeps dirt and objects from getting in the pool that can damage it over time. One the pool is securely covered you can store it away. If you are going to leave it in the yard with the cover on it is a good idea to stand it up to keep water from colleting on the top of the cover. If the cover it strong and durable you should not have to worry about it. These are just a few ideas and suggestions on how to make your toddler swimming pool last more than one year.