How to Protect Your Family Against Hurricanes

According to FEMA for kids, hurricanes travel about 74 miles per hour. With the heavy, counterclockwise rotation, they can cause damage to buildings, trees, shrubs, homes, and other structures. When compiled with gusty rain, the damage can be from moderate to severe. It is advised that if you live near a body of water to evacuate immediately because of impending and quick damage.
If you are in fear and need a safety game plan FEMA introduces here a few tips on how to keep yourself safe.
1. Keep a supply kit. Your supply kit should include a three day’s supply of food and water, preferably bottle water for easier access, warm clothing, blankets, flashlights, batteries, food for pets, scissors, bandages, alcohol for sterilization, and a deck of cards for entertainment. This kit should be checked yearly for proper supplies. A good place to store it would be in a kitchen cabinet for easier access.
2. Protecting your home from hurricanes is also important. In some cases, hurricanes and floods coincide. Make sure that all of your circuite breaker boxes are raised above the flood level. This will help protect your family against a power outage in times of storms. Storm shutters should be installed to protect from the danger of flying debris. If a storm is appraoching, close these shutters immediately. Keeping a roof on your home is very important. Hurricane straps attached to your roof will often keep the roof secure during times of threat.
3. Bringing in outdoor furniture is extremely important. As soon as you hear of a possible hurricane, all lawn furniture and accessories should be retrieved and stored inside of the home. Since flying debris is often quite dangerous, bringing in items will help eliminate some damage.
4. Shut off all utilities to protect your home against possible outage and fire. This should be done if a hurricane is making its way toward your home.
5. Always be sure that you have at least a half a tank of gas in your car. If a tornado is on its way, and you must evacuate soon, the car is a great method of getting away to safety.
6. It is very important to keep your cellular phone charged at all times. If your power is out and you are forced into evacuation, a cellular phone can allow you to make a phone call for help.
Hurricanes are extremely dangerous and scary for many. Being well-informed and having a game plan will save lives in time of disaster. More often than not people are ill-prepared. Sit down with your family today and communicate about the issues of disaster and what each person can do in times of trouble.