How to Re-Dip Candles

You can re-dip candles easily and inexpensively at home with only very basic equipment. Re-dip candles to make them last longer or if the wick is too large for the candle it’s been placed in.

How to Re-dip Candles – Materials Needed

You’ll only need a few simple materials to re-dip candles at home. These materials include a saucepan or double boiler, a tin can, pliers, paraffin wax, pre-made candles, salad tongs, waxed paper and a heat source of some kind. This is easily done on a stove with a sauce pan.

Most of these materials are found at craft and hobby shops or hardware stores. You can always order paraffin wax online if you have trouble finding it locally. Also, because candle wax is very difficult to remove from utensils, you might want to use old or used utensils that can be discarded after you re-dip candles.

How to Re-dip Candles – Step #1

The first step to re-dip candles is to melt the paraffin wax. Place enough water in the saucepan or double boiler to adequately heat the sides of a tin can. Heat the water on low heat. Place the wax in the tin can and put the tin can in the saucepan. DO NOT get water into the wax.

The wax will slowly begin to melt. If the wax begins to smoke, immediately remove it from the heat. This means it’s being heated too quickly and at too high a temperature. Hot wax will ignite on its own if it gets too hot so be very careful to keep everything on the lowest heat.

When the wax is completely melted, carefully remove the tin can from the hot water with the pliers. Be very careful as the hot wax and tin can could cause serious burns.

How to Re-dip Candles – Step #2

The next step to re-dip candles is to pick up the pre-made candle by the wick with the pliers. Quickly place the candle into the tin can until the candle has been completely submerged in the candle wax.

How to Re-dip Candles – Step #3

The final step to re-dip candles is to remove the candle from the hot wax using the salad tongs. Place the candle on wax paper to cool completely.

You can re-dip candles more than once if needed but make sure the candle is completely cooled in between each dipping. You’ll end up with quite a mess if you don’t allow the candle to completely cool before you re-dip it a second time.

Now you’ve learned to re-dip candles. It’s quite easy as long as you’re careful with the hot wax. Enjoy your new double dipped candles!

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