How to Re-Grout Tile Floors

Re grouting tile floors is an easy and inexpensive way to update the appearance of your floors, making them appear clean and new once more. By removing stained grout and re-grouting the floor you can be assured that your ceramic tile floor will look cleaner in the future. This job is an easy one for many homeowners, provided they have a steady hand and some patience.

The first part of re-grouting is the most difficult and also the most time consuming. This involves removing the existing grout with a cold chisel and a hammer. Be sure to wear goggles or some type of eye protection when completing this step. Keep in mind that softer, multiple taps will get the job done without chipping or otherwise damaging the surrounding tile.

Work in sections, chipping out the old grout and the using a shop vac or a stiff bristled brush to remove the debris as you go. Depending on the size of the floor and the tiles, this step could take several hours to complete. If you doubt that you can complete this step without damaging the tile, it may be more cost effective to hire someone rather than risking having to replace some of your floor tiles.

When all of the old grout is completely removed, you can re-grout the tile floors. If the tile on the floors are porous, it is important to add a release agent to the tile to prevent the grout from adhering to the surface of the tile. You may want to consider sealing the entire floor after you re-grout to reduce maintenance hassles if you have porous tile, but keep in mind that this can alter the appearance if you choose to do so.

Always mix the grout in small batches so you can work with it easily. Start from one corner of the floor and use a rubber trowel that is at a 60 degree angle from the surface of the tile to apply. A small figure eight motion when applying the grout will ensure that all of the crevices are properly filled. Scrap the surface of the tile with the float, removing as much remaining grout as possible. Then use a damp sponge to remove any grout residue.

You should let the floor dry for about four hours or according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Then buff the tile with a dry cloth to remove any residue that can make the surface of the tile cloudy. At this point, applying a sealer to prevent the area from staining is an appropriate next step. However, some sealers can alter the appearance of porous tile, so proceed with caution if you decide you would like to seal your floors.

Re-grouting your floors is time consuming but inexpensive to do. If you find that you are pressed for time, the additional cost of hiring a professional may be well worth the money.

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