How to Recycle Your Old CDs

We all have these unwanted Cd’s laying around. I know I get a few in the mail each month. Typically some new Internet wanting me to try them out. Some of my older Cd’s have gotten so scratched that they do not play anymore. Once in a while when I am burning a CD on my computer it messes up. I use to just toss them all in the garbage. That is until I found out that these do not discentigrate. They just sit in our landfills. Due to the material they are made from you should not burn these either. I have gathered some great ways to use all these old Cd’s instead of throwing them out.

Borders- Teens specially love this one. You will need to collect a large amount of these for this project. I’m sure if you asked a few family members to save these you would have enough in no time at all. In a Teens bedroom or even a small outgoing child they make a nice substitute for wallpaper boarder. You can use any type of glue that you want. Stick them paper side down on the wall so the shiny part is visible. Either over lap them slightly or just have the sides touching each other. When the lights are turned on, they shine and look really neat.

Disco Ball- You know the years when these were very cool to have. Well you can re live them years, without re living the prices that go along with it. Get a large Styrofoam ball and cut your Cd’s into tiny squares. Glue the pieces onto the ball and attach a string. With the Cd’s on there the ball will get a bit heavy so make sure you have sturdy string. If you have a hard time cutting the CD, you can heat it up a bit and it will flex more for you.

Scratch Board- When I was a kid we use to take paper and color it different colors on it and then use a black crayon and color the whole paper. Take something sharp and scratch a design in it. They now sell things which in my opinion takes all the fun out of it. Go back to your childhood days or show your children what you use to do for fun with this new improved way. Take a CD and paint the shiny side with fabric paint. Use any color you want. Let dry. Take a pencil and lightly draw a design then use something sharp and scratch the design into the CD. Then the shinny part is exposed and you have a great picture.

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