How to Remove Cat and Dog Urine Stains and Smells from Carpets

Cat urine is difficult to remove. Cat urine is comprised of three major components: Urea, Urochrome and Uric acid. Of all 3 components it is the uric acid which accounts for the smell. Household cleaners are ineffective in cleaning up the urine because uric acid consists of crystals and salts, which when they dampen again, will bring back the smell. Also do not use ammonia products as a cleaner for the urine. Cat urine consists of ammonia and the use of an ammonia product will act as a marker for the cat to redo his business there again.

The most effective products rely on bacteria and enzymes to actually eat up the last remnants of the Uric Acid and thus rid your home of the unpleasant odor. There are several of these products, such as “Simple Solution Cat Spray & Urine Stain & Odor Remover” which is available at PET CO.

As far as dogs are concerned ,the following recipe is one that I read on the Internet some time ago, that can be made easily and inexpensively to remove dog urine and its smell. If you don’t know the exact location of the mess, use an ultraviolet light to find it. Pet urine in general will appear fluorescent under this light.

You will need the following: Baking Soda, White Vinegar, Dishwashing Detergent , 3% Hydrogen Peroxide and Water

First make sure that your carpet is colorfast. Use a small amount of hydrogen peroxide to check its color stability in a non-seen area. If the peroxide affects the carpet then substitute water for it. It will get the job done, but won’t be as effective as the peroxide. Mix a 50/50 solution of white vinegar and water together. Liberally pour over area and work into fibers. Let the solution dry. Sprinkle baking soda over it and the mix 1 cup of 3% peroxide with a teaspoon of dishwashing liquid. Pour over the baking soda and work it into the carpet. Allow to dry, then vacuum it all up.

Pets like humans have body odor. The fur in particular traps the smell to a great degree. Wherever the animal roams and whatever it goes on will usually retain some of the smell. Below are a few tips to help control the problem.

1) Reduce the number of animals living in one area if applicable. Too many pets in one area will create odor.

2) Bathe and groom the pet frequently

3) Clean litter boxes, crates and cages, and keep them in a well ventilated area.

4) Vacuum carpets and upholstery often

5) Allow the pet to go outside occasionally

6) Don’t allow the pet to play in garbage or putrid smelling areas

7) Avoid contact with skunks

8) Shampoo the carpet and upholstery as needed. If necessary, between shampoos, sprinkle baking soda over the area, wait 30 minutes, then vacuum. Baking soda is nontoxic to animals and will soak up the smell well.

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