How to Remove Crayon from Walls

Children are a wonderful joy, but they bring with them BIG messes. Maybe you have children, maybe you are baby-sitting someone else’s children, or maybe you are a grandparent whose grandchildren are visiting, and you walk into a room to find an unsightly crayon mark all over your wall.

I think we all love to see drawings by children, but not on the wall! There is no need to panic. Just get out a rag or sponge and a can of hairspray. I will teach you how to get rid of that stain in no time flat. All you need to do is follow my step by step instructions for clean walls again.

Step 1- Give your wall a quick wash down where it has been colored and blot dry with a towel. You do not want to scrub the wall dry because this could cause more smudge and deeper imprints. Just stick to lightly blotting the area dry.

Step 2- Get out your hairspray. You are going to spray the colored area with the hairspray now. Make sure to cover the entire colored area well. Leave the hairspray sitting for about 20 to 25 minutes before you move onto the next step.

Step 3- Use a sponge or rag and wet it with hot water. Wring the rag or sponge (whatever you are using) out the best you can. You want it to be wet but not dripping wet. You may want to use cleaning gloves when you wring the rag or sponge out because the water needs to be hot and will burn your hands when you wring it out. Wearing cleaning gloves will save your hands some pain.

Step 4- Wipe the colored area which you sprayed with hairspray. The hairspray should have weakened the crayon by now. If it did not, you may have to re-spray and let sit longer. Red markings tend to take more time and patience than other color markings, so you may be having problems with red.

Hairspray should remove crayon, pencil, and colored pencil. But if you are having bad luck with the hairspray, you may want to try a different product I found helpful when removing coloring off my walls. I used a carpet cleaning product called “Spot Shot” in a desperate attempt to get these markings off my wall. The product worked perfectly! But I will warn you to be careful using this product on wallpaper because it started to remove my pattern. It did not harm my painted walls, though.

And that is all on how to remove crayon from your walls!

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