How to Remove Gold Trim from Glass

Precautionary Statement
Before planning to remove gold trim on glass, make sure that removing what is left will not devalue the piece. Some items are worth more in damaged condition than in an altered form. Consult a professional regarding the value of the item before proceeding. Appearance is not always the greatest consideration, especially when the items are antiques.
I had a beautiful antique wine decanter and a set of four matching wine glasses. The green glass was trimmed in real gold, but some of the trim had been rubbed away before the set was mine. I chose not to remove the rest of the gold trim from the glass. I wanted to preserve it in the condition it was in, even if the gold no longer enhanced the appearance of the beautiful green glass.
Try a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser First
To remove damaged gold trim from glass, begin with a Mr. Clean brand Magic Eraser. Magic Erasers easily clean away grime, and they can work to gently remove gold trim from glass. Simply dampen a clean Magic Eraser, and remove gold trim by gently sanding the glass in one direction. In most cases it will work to remove the unwanted gold trim, and it will not damage the glass in the process.
Use Cleanser and a Damp Sponge to Remove it All
If a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser does not work to remove damaged gold trim from your glass pieces, use something more abrasive. Apply a small amount of kitchen cleanser to a damp sponge, and rub it away while using steady pressure. A little extra abrasion is sometimes all that it takes to completely remove trim that has been damaged. In many cases it will look much better without the obvious damage.
Source: Personal Glass Care and Cleaning Experience