How to Remove Grout Haze from a New Tile Floor

Installing a tile project in your home can be a great do it yourself project. Unfortunately one of the most common problems encountered when a tile project is finished is lingering grout haze. In an ideal world grout haze would be removed at the end of the grouting process, but most first time tile installers have a hard time getting this process right. The issue is that most people are concerned about cleaning the tile too much for fear that they will remove some of the grout between tiles. The ideal time to try to clean up grout haze is about twenty-four hours after the grout has set. It is a skill best learned though trial and error, but if you already have grout haze then there are some things you can do to clean up the situation.

To begin obtain a scotch brite pad from your local home improvement store. These are usually green in color, but can be other colors as well. Using warm water and a little elbow grease gently scrub the haze with the pad. If the grout haze isn’t too strong this will often be enough to remove the haze. This technique works especially well if your tiles have a shiny glazed finish. For matte finished tile, such as terra cotta, you may need to try a different technique.

If the scotch brite doesn’t work, then you can mix up a cleaning solution of fifty percent white vinegar, and fifty percent water, and go at it again with the scotch brite pad. The slight acid of the vinegar can help to break down the haze and help you to remove it.

If your haze problem is still there, then you can move up to a commercial grout haze removing project. You can purchase this at any home improvement store. The when you begin to mix the product follow the instructions on the label as to how to prepare a batch of cleaner.

Wet an absorbent cloth with some of the grout haze remover product and begin to wipe down the tile. It is best if you first select a small area to test the product on to see the results. Don’t let the cleaner puddle on the floor, but remember that you are using the cleaner as a solvent and your real goal is to have it help you to remove the haze.

If this still doesn’t get the haze off the floor, then you can bring out your old trusty scotch brite pad again, and this time pour some of the cleaner directly on to the floor, and scrub with the pad. Be careful is you need to use this method that you don’t damage the grout between the tiles. You are trying to clean the tile surface not the grout lines.

Once you have removed all the grout haze off your tiles, you should follow up with an application of grout sealer to seal and finish the grout on your tile job. You can obtain a good commercial grout sealer at any home improvement store, and you generally paint it on in thin layers over the grout lines of the tile. Doing this last step will help your tile installation give many years of service.

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