How to Remove Marker or Crayon Marks on Wood

First let’s start with markers. Any mark that is made with markers can be very difficult to remove, especially if you have let it sit for an extended period of time. The key is to immediately remove the stain before it gets deep into the wood. After trying several different methods, none which really seemed to work, I used some WD-40 and some baking soda. First I put some WD-40 onto a plain damp cloth. Than very gently I rubbed over the mark, until it began to fade. Then to clean it up a little more I poured baking soda over the top rubbed it in and the mark was gone. The best part is that the finish on the floor was not messed up. The key is really to get the stain out right away, and rub until you see the spot start to fade. For additional tips and ideas on removing a marker stain you can visit According to this site the WD-40 should do the trick all by itself, but I found it still left a small mark. By using the baking soda after you have used the WD-40, you get the stain out completely. The site mentioned above does have some very good house cleaning suggestions however.
When it comes to crayon marks on wood floors, I feel as if I have become an expert. No matter how many times you tell children not to do something, somehow it happens anyway. I have found that all you really need is a damp cloth and an eraser. First you use the eraser on the crayon mark. You will have to work hard to do a lot of erasing to really get rid of the crayon mark. Than use the cloth to wipe away the eraser marks and the crayon mark that has come off. The best eraser to use is the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. I’m sure that there are various ways to remove crayon marks from wood floors but this is the quickest and easiest method that has worked for me. Keep in mind that if you don’t want to ruin your wooded floors you should put the proper finish on them.
So what methods do you use to get rid of marker and crayon marks from your wooded floors? Post your thoughts and comments below this article in the comments section.