How to Remove Mildew from Your Siding

Lots of homes have issues with mildew but many people don’t even know it. Surfaces like brick can hide mold and mildew problems whereas light-colored surfaces, like white siding, force owners to experience the mildew face-to-face. Don’t think you have to spend many hours shedding your home of the awful plight. There’s a quick and simple way to rid yourself of the horror.
Ordinary chlorine bleach is what you need to clean a mildew problem on white or other light-colored siding. Use the bleach full strength for best results. Pour the bleach into a squirt bottle and you’ll cut your work in half. Simply spray the bleach on mildew spots and literally watch them vanish before your eyes. Wait until the mildew has disappeared then use your water hose to rinse the remaining bleach from the siding.
Take care when using the bleach on your house. If the bleach drips, or is accidentally sprayed on certain surfaces there could be bleach spots or further damage. For example, if bleach gets on your fabric or vinyl-covered lawn furniture it could ruin the material. Cover lawn furniture, potted plants, flower gardens and similar things with plastic to protect them.
If the mildew problem you’re facing is stubborn allow the siding to dry well before treating it once again with the bleach. Water bleach down to get rid of mildew on brick, stucco and other surfaces. Brick work might require some scrubbing to completely get rid of mildew.
Avoid using bleach on homes with wood siding unless it’s painted. In addition, be sure the bleach doesn’t drip or spray onto other wood around your home. If you have garden timbers, for instance, the bleach spray can discolor them. Avoid allowing the bleach to drip or be sprayed on wood decks unless they’ve been varnished.
Other things in the yard, which don’t have mildew but might be looking dull or dirty, can also benefit from the bleach spray. Rocks which line the sidewalk, for example, can look clean and new after being treated with the bleach. Spray bleach water onto the rocks, allow to sit for 20 minutes, then rinse. Spray the bleach water on concrete or cement steps, the garage floor or even a cement driveway.
Bleach not only cleans but disinfects as well. For that reason it’s a good idea to spray outdoor toys and swing sets on occasion. Outdoor toys, in particular, can become dirty, muddy and worse. A little bleach water, and a quick rinse, and you can rest assured the toy is clean and disinfected.
People have known for many years that bleach cleans and disinfects inside the home but few people consider it an outdoor cleaner. Bleach is cheap but does wonders around the house. Don’t limit its potential by strictly using it indoors. Use quality bleach for best results in cleaning mildewed and other surfaces.