How to Remove Most Common Stains from Carpet

We all want to keep our floors looking nice. Stains are a part of life but cleaning them should not have to be stressful. There are different ways to clean different stains. These are some suggestions on how to clean most common stains from your carpets. These cleaning tips can be done with common household ingredients. They do not contain any harsh chemicals.

Pet Odors:

If you have cats or dogs then you are bound to have to deal with an accident or two. This method for cleaning your carpets will help cut down on the odors that your new family member is causing.

Vinegar will neutralize pet odors. Just blot with some paper towels then clean with a water and vinegar solution.

Kool-Aid Stains:

If you have kids then you are going to have Kool-Aid stains somewhere on your carpet. These types of stains are very hard to remove. This method works for old stains as well as new ones.

First, use a shop-vac to suck up the Kool-Aid out of the carpet. When you are done sucking up the Kool-Aid then mix some Dawn (dawn works the best) detergent with warm water. Take a white washcloth and stick into the mixture. Ring the cloth out and lay over the stain. Now take a clothes iron and place on to of the washcloth. Make sure the iron is set to low. Change the washcloth out every 15 minutes until the stain is gone.

Red Wine:

Red wine is one of those stains that just want to set in and stay in your carpet from the moment it hit the floor. Red wine is reported to be good for your heart but it is not good for your stress levels if it hits the floor. Rest assured that by using some household ingredients you can get the stain up with minimal effort.

First blot as much as you can of the wine up with a clean white washcloth. Next you will use cold water to clean the stain by blotting until no more of the stain will come up. To finish use a mixture of 3 parts baking soda and 1 part water to make paste. Spread the paste over the stain and allow it to dry. To remove the paste just vacuum up once it is completely dry.

Beer Stains:

Super Bowl weekend is here and your husband and his buddies are parked in your living room drinking beer and cheering on the game. It is bound to happen and it will happen. One of them if not all of them is going to spill beer onto your floor. Beer can stain and have a very bad bleaching effect. To keep this from happening you will want to get to the stain as quickly as possible.

To clean this use a liquid detergent mixed with cold water. Blot at the area until the stain is removed. Then rinse the area completely with cold water.

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