How to Remove Nail Polish Stains and Spills

Eventually a couple days went by and I jumped onto my computer and did a little research to maybe find a product that would remove that nasty nail polish stain from my couch. After a couple of hours searching on line for a possible product that might remove that nail polish stain from my couch I gave up because I could not find a single thing. Then I got the bright idea to come up with my own nail polish stain remover solution. I used nail polish remover, paint thinner, warm water, an old rag, and of coarse some shout stain remover and thank god those products worked, but it was very difficult to do. Now for those of you who have spilled nail polish in your home and want to remover it I am going to tell you how to do it safely without harming the item you want to remove the nail polish spill from.
The first thing you want to do in order to remove a nail polish stain from anything is to pour a generous amount of nail polish remover onto the nail polish stain and then begin to gently blot out the stain using an old rag until your notice the nail polish coming out slowly. I going to tell you now that you do not want to rub the nail polish remover into your spilled nail polish stain because you could end up making the nail polish stain bigger.
The second thing you will need to do once you have gotten all the nail polish you could out of the nail polish stain using nail polish remover is to, then take a few drops of paint thinner and gently dab it onto the stain and then grab that old rag again and gently blot until all of the nail polish is gone from the item you are trying to remove the stain from.
The third step to removing your nasty nail polish spill would be to, then rinse your item with warm water and place a couple of dabs of shout stain remover to the area where you have spilled the nail polish and begin to remove any extra stains from that spot by gently blotting again using a new rag. Then after you have shouted your stain you can then gently rinse with warm water again and allow drying for a couple of hours. After a couple of hours your item should look as good as new again. However, I would not recommend this nail polish paint remover idea for items like stained wood furniture or painted wooded chairs and dresser, unless you are planning on refurnishing the items again because the nail polish and paint thinner will remove any paint and stains you may have on your furniture.
Now that you know how to remove nail polish stains from items safely, I would tell you to go try it out and try and remove that nasty looking nail polish spill from that item. Just remember do not use this nail polish spill remover solution of finished furniture and painted items!