How to Remove Orange Well Water Stains from Blonde Hair

Natural redheads have beautiful rich shades of orange in their hair, but when orange hair is caused by well water, it isn’t desirable or attractive. Perms, hair dye, and other chemicals damage the cuticles of the hair, and once the hair shafts are damaged they are open to stains and mineral build-up caused by well water. Well water high in iron discolors damaged hair, especially blonde hair. Sometimes those who dye their hair blonde start out with gorgeous blonde locks of hair and end up with bright orange hair after the iron in well water permeates the hair shafts. Even people with natural blonde hair sometimes end up with orange hair after regularly washing their blonde hair with well water. This can be very frustrating for those who want or already have blonde hair and have no other choice but to wash their hair with well water day after day. Even with a water softener, blonde hair, dyed or otherwise, ends up tinted orange to some extent.

There are products available to keep naturally blonde hair or chemically treated blonde hair from developing an orange tint caused by iron in well water. There are products that can be used to remove orange iron stains from blonde hair already damaged by well water, and there are products to prevent blonde hair from turning orange. Those with blonde hair can also use special shampoo and conditioner to keep their blonde hair from turning orange after continually washing it in well water. There are also natural methods to try in effort to remove and prevent orange well water stains in blonde hair.

Malibu 2000

My sister once had permed hair, and the chemicals in the permanent solution lightened her hair, giving her already light hair attractive blonde highlights. My family had well water with a high iron content, and my sister’s golden blonde hair eventually turned an ugly shade of orange. My sister’s beautician recommended Malibu 2000 treatments along with Malibu 2000 shampoo and conditioner. The Malibu 2000 treatments did a fantastic job of removing orange well water stains from my sister’s hair, and using Malibu 2000 shampoo and conditioner on a daily basis helped prevent her hair from turning orange again.

If you have well water and have invested in coloring your hair blonde, or if you have chemically treated your hair, don’t allow your hair to turn an ugly shade of orange. After spending money to achieve the blonde or permed hair you desire, spend a little more and keep your blonde or permed hair from turning an ugly shade of orange. Consider buying Malibu 2000 products to keep your blonde hair as blonde as it should be.

If blonde hair has already turned orange because of well water, remove the iron stains from your hair by using Malibu 2000 Iron-Away Booster Additive. This product comes in an individual packet and should be mixed with Malibu 2000 QuickIn. Use Malibu 2000 Iron-Away Booster Additive and QuickIn once a week on blonde hair that has been dyed orange by the iron in your well water. Your hair will go from orange to blonde, and continual use of this product along with Malibu 2000 shampoo and conditioner will keep it soft, shiny, and the beautiful shade of blonde it’s suppose to be.

Clairol Shimmer Lights Shampoo and Conditioner

Those who have dealt with the ravages of well water have found Clairol Shimmer Lights shampoo and conditioner to be effective at keeping blonde hair blonde and beautiful. Clairol Shimmer Lights shampoo and conditioner is formulated for gray, white, and highlighted hair, but it also helps those with well water keep their hair from turning orange. This shampoo and conditioner help prevent brassiness and discoloration, and those with well water who want to keep their blonde hair from turning orange have found Clairol Shimmer Lights effective. Consider trying Clairol Shimmer Lights shampoo and conditioner if you have well water and want to prevent your blonde hair from turning an ugly shade of rusty orange.

Natural Methods for Removing Orange Well Water Stains From Blonde Hair

Natural methods aren’t generally as effective or as quick at removing orange well water stains from blonde hair, but natural methods aren’t as expensive either. Many people have achieved good results when using the following natural methods for removing orange well water stains from their blonde hair. Consider trying the following natural methods of removing orange well water stains from your blonde hair, and find the method of removing orange iron stains that work best for your blonde hair.

Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C Powder)

If you want to try a natural method of removing orange well water stains from your blonde hair, try ascorbic acid, more commonly known as vitamin C powder. Some say this natural method of removing orange well water stains from blonde hair is just as effective as store-bought products, and best of all, this natural method is cheaper.

Begin by mixing two teaspoons of ascorbic acid with one packet of clear gelatin. Combine the dry mixture with approximately two ounces of warm water. After shampooing your hair as usual, work this mixture into your hair, leave it on for a few minutes, and thoroughly rinse it out. Follow this natural method once a week to remove any mineral build-up or any orange discoloration caused by well water.

Vinegar Rinse

This natural method of removing iron and other minerals caused by well water was recommended by a professional beautician. She personally used this method of removing orange stains and mineral build-up on her clients, and she says it is simple and effective. This method is definitely the cheapest method to help remove orange iron stains from blonde hair.

For this natural method of removing orange well water stains from blonde hair you’ll need a spray bottle and white vinegar. Simply combine one part vinegar with two parts of water in a spray bottle. Shampoo your hair as usual, towel-dry your hair, and spray it thoroughly with the vinegar and water mixture. Let the vinegar and water mixture set on your hair for a few minutes, and wash your hair lightly one last time. Follow this natural method of removing orange well water stains from your blonde hair a couple of times a week, and your blonde hair should remain a beautiful shade of blonde instead of an ugly shade of orange caused by the iron in your well water.

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