How to Remove Pet Stains

There are normally many ways actually, that you can contemplate on using to try and tackle a stain. Some common household cleaners that you could use, that would work the bets would be rubbing alcohol, vinegar, lemon juice, etc. If you do not have specific household cleaners to tackle the stains, you should have no problem getting them out with the above mentioned sources. Just be sure that you clean it properly and follow the right procedure.
If you are planning to use ammonia, the recommended dosage to use is one teaspoon of ammonia to one half cup of cold water. The best idea is to get a spay bottle and apply to the stain and then use paper towels to blot out the stain as necessary.
If you are planning on using some sort of detergent, you may do so. You can use hand soap, or dish soap and apply one quarter teaspoon to one quart of water. Make sure that if you are using detergent, however, that it does not contain any bleach.
If you have a nasty ink stain in your carpet or furniture, the best idea is to use isopropyl to remove the stain. You can get this just about anywhere. What you need to do is apply some of the chemical onto a small rag or paper towel and then begin to blot the stain as necessary until removed. Be sure not to rub it in many different directions because you do not want to spread the stain at all.
If you have spilled an alcoholic beverage, the best way to clean it up is with vinegar and water. What you need to do is actually mix water and vinegar and then spray it onto the stain. Once it is on the stain, let it sit for about fifteen minutes. After that begin to use paper towel to absorb the spill or even a sponge while also using a rubbing motion to scrub it out. After you have done that just rinse with warm water and put the carpet or fabric of the material you are using back into place and place layers of white paper town on top of the area. Let everything the time to sit until it has dried completely.