How to Repair Asphalt Rolling Roof Holes

Some people may not be familiar with the asphalt rolling roof. Not all roofs are made with shingles. As a matter of fact, houses that have flat roofs usually have a tar and gravel surface. This is called an Asphalt Rolling Roof. Mobile homes, garages, and sheds are all common users of the rolling roof. These roofs are just as important to maintain and repair as shingled roofs. Use these 4 steps to repair a common hole or blister in your asphalt rolling roof.

Step 1: Relieve Pressure

If you have a hole, skip this step. However, if you have a blistered rolling roof, pay close attention. Use a stiff bristled brush and sweep away any and all gravel from the affected area. Next use a sharp knife and begin to cut into the blister until the under pressure is relieved. Cut even slits across the blister.

Step 2: Fill Hole

This step is for either a blister repair or for a hole repair. Take a liberal amount of roofing cement and work it into every crack and crevice that you can see. Make sure you lift up each edge of the blister and apply underneath as far back as you can go.

Step 3: Patch

Create a patch that is at least 2 inches larger around than the blister or hole. Push this down into the pile of roofing cement you have already applied to your rolling roof.

Step 4: Secure Patch

Once the rolling roof patch is in place, apply another generous amount of roofing cement around the patch to seal it. The cement should extend about 2 inches beyond the edge of the patch. This will ensure a waterproof seal. When the cement begins to dry, replace the gravel over the top. Your asphalt rolling roof will be as good as new.

Just because your roof doesn’t have shingles doesn’t mean it will be repair free. In some ways asphalt rolling roofs need more maintenance and repair than a traditional shingled roof. Since these roofs tend to be flatter than shingled roofs, objects that damage the roof do not roll right off. Blistering and holes are the most common issues to arise with this type of roof. If you know the basic steps to repair this damage, you will be one step ahead of the game. Asphalt rolling roof damage can be completed in 4 simple steps.

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