How to Repair Tile Grout

Material and Tools:
Grout saw
Large sponge
Grout float
Tile grout
Spray bottle
Be sure to purchase grout that matches the color of your existing grout. Tile grout is available in four types: acrylic, sanded, un-sanded, and epoxy. If the space between the tiles is larger than 1/8″ then use sanded grout. Anything less than 1/8″ you can use the other three choices. If you are repairing grout on marble tiles, never use sanded grout as it will scratch the tiles. Use either acrylic, un-sanded, or epoxy
Use a grout saw to remove the loose or damaged grout. Be very carefully not to chip or crack the tile.
When the joints are all cleaned spray them with water. Wipe off any excess water with a rag.
Mix the grout according to the manufacture’s directions.
Using a grout float, spread grout over all the joints, filling them completely.
Remove excess grout off the tiles using a large sponge. Be sure that you don’t remove any grout from the joints. Repeat cleaning until tiles are clean.
Allow tiles to dry until they have a cloudy haze. Remove haze using a dry rag until they take on a polish look.