How to Repair a Large Hole in Drywall

So as you were hauling the desk up the 1st floor stairs, your kind friend lets it slip. You watch as it bounces back down, only to ram into the drywall and leave a nice fist-sized hole. Do you know how to repair it?

Repairing drywall isn’t as difficult as you may think. In this article, I tell you how to repair a large hole in the drywall, larger than three inches.

Materials Needed:

Saw, drywall knife, or utility knife

Drywall putty/compound

Drywall mesh tape

Power sander and different grain sandpaper

Drywall screws

Power drill

Two or more ¼ to ½ thick strips of wood.

Step 1:

Using a square or straight edge [square is preferred] draw a square around the damaged part of the drywall.

Step 2:

Using a table saw, drywall knife, sharp box cutter, or large utility knife, cut the drawn cut free from the wall. Take your time, and be sure not to damage the drywall or paper, as this will make the end result messy and obvious.

Step 3:

After you have removed the square of drywall, you will need to screw support wood post to the inside of the hole. Depending on the size of your hole, you will need at least two pieces of wood. Use one drywall screw in the top, and one in the bottom. Do this for each piece of wood.

Step 4:

After you have secured the support wood, you will need to cut a square of new drywall to fit onto your wall. Be sure that it is a snug fit, but not so large that you must force it into place. Insert the new square of wood into the hole, and use drywall screws to screw the drywall to the support wood.

Step 5:

Put drywall tape over the seams between the new and old drywall.

Step 6:

Using drywall compound or putty, apply a layer of it over the mesh tape. Use a putty knife, and scrape it smooth. Be sure the tape is covered, but do not put an excess amount on, as this will take a fair amount of time to sand back off.

Step 7:

After the putty has thoroughly dried, use a power sander with a course grain sandpaper to sand the putty. When it is almost flush with the wall, switch to a medium grain sandpaper, and then finally a fine grain to make it smooth.

Step 8:

Now the drywall is finished. It is safe to apply wallpaper or paint.

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