How to Repair a Scratched Laminate Countertop with Seam Filler

Did someone chop vegetables on your laminate countertop without using a cutting board? If so, there is a good chance that they marred your countertop with a few cuts and scratches. Before you give up hope and resign yourself to having a damaged laminate countertop, you may want to try repairing it with plastic seam filler. Here’s how:


In order to complete this DIY countertop repair job, you will need to pick up a few supplies. One of the first items that you’ll need is a tube of plastic seam filler. Plastic seam filler is exactly what the name suggests. It is a form of plastic that is used to fill in seams on laminate countertops. It can also be used to fill in nasty cuts and scratches. It comes in various colors. If you can’t find a tube of plastic seam filler that matches the color of your countertop, you can always mix two or more colors together in the hopes of creating one that does. Tubes of plastic seam filler are available for purchase through specialty shops and home improvement stores. In my experience, it is easy to work with and tends to sell for $5 a tube.

You’ll also need a putty knife, a clean rag, a bottle of solvent and a painter’s palette. The solvent often comes with the plastic seam filler as part of a kit. Putty knives may be purchased separately through home improvement stores for $7 each. Painter’s palettes are available for purchase through craft stores. They tend to cost $3 each. If you don’t want to buy a painter’s palette, you can always use a plastic cake plate instead.

Prepare the Repair Area

Start by thoroughly cleaning the section of laminate countertop that needs to be repaired. Next, wipe the damaged area with a cloth that has been dampened with the solvent. The solvent is designed to clean the area further and prepare it for the plastic seam filler.

Apply the Plastic Seam Filler

Continue by taking out your putty knife and the plastic seam filler. Using the putty knife, fill the laminate countertop’s cuts and scratches with the plastic seam filler. Make sure that you quickly wipe away any excess seam filler. Otherwise it will harden and leave rough spots. Allow the repaired area to dry completely.

Once the repaired area has dried completely, examine it for normal shrinkage. If shrinkage did occur, apply more plastic seam filler and allow the repaired area to dry all over again. Keep in mind that you may need to apply several coats of plastic seam filler before you end up with a smooth surface. After the surface is smooth and dry, your laminate countertop will be ready for use.

Source: Personal Experience

Killeen Gonzalez has a history of completing DIY home improvement projects with her family.

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