How to Replace a Window Sash

By replacing stale old windows, you’ll save tons of money on your air conditioning bills. Not to mention how much better your home will look with brand new window sash! This article will teach you how to replace a window sash in your home!

How to Replace a Window Sash – Materials

Likely the only thing you’ll need to buy to replace a window sash is the window sash replacement kit. A few other things you’ll need to replace a window sash are a hammer and nails, a pry bar, a putty knife, paint and last but certainly not least, a tape measurer. If there are any of these items that you’re missing, you’ll want to pick them up before you attempt to replace a window sash.

How to Replace a Window Sash – Measure

As with most jobs, the first thing you’ll want to do to replace a window sash, even before you buy the kit, is to measure your current window. Without doing this, how will you know what size sashes to get! So go ahead and get that tape measurer working and knock out that first step to replace a window sash.

How to Replace a Window Sash – Paint it!

Now to replace a window sash, you’re going to want to paint your new sashes as soon as you get them in, and definitely before you install them. This will ensure that you don’t miss any spots and also that you don’t get any paint on parts of the house that aren’t the same color! Also, make sure not to paint up the windows!

How to Replace a Window Sash – Follow the Instructions

Next to replace a window sash, is the simple installation process, summed up in the instructions. Make sure to follow them exactly, sliding the old window sash out and the new one in. Also when you replace a window sash, make sure to install the top sash first.

Just follow these simple steps to replace a window sash and in no time, your dull boring painted on windows will be replaced with vibrant, beautiful new window sashes. The kits can be ordered online or purchased at most home improvement stores for a minimal amount of money. Take your home from eh to wow in thirty short minutes. Replace a window sash, or all of them, in your home today!

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