How to Safeguard Your Family and Home Part 2

In this edition of “How to Safeguard Your Home” I want to discuss some of the aspects that many may already know but that are essential to keeping your home, yourself and your family safe. Some are common misnomers others are technical advice.
First of all, no one thing will secure your home, security is done in layers. No single layer by itself will work and your overall security is only as strong as your weakest layer, as such it is important to have a consultant that you can trust. The consultant should not only have law enforcement knowledge but also security, also, anyone reading this is welcome to contact me and I can provide additional resources on finding a qualified consultant in their area.
A common misconception is that a gated community is a safe one. This is false, especially if you community is on a golf course. These communities are at risk of professional thieves who will play the course to case a property.
Unfortunately, many homeowner associations will use the cheapest security service they can find to patrol or man the main gate. This causes many problems when these individuals that are responsible for the safeguarding of your family and possessions many times are paid at or close to minimum wage. This many times causes problems with continuity of personnel and poorer attitudes.
The best way to find adequate security is of course depending on budget. One way to determine if a company will provide quality services is to have the association ask for resume’s on the guards that will be manning the posts and interview them individually and ensure that the guards are being paid at or higher than the Federal Location Wage Determination, in most areas it is somewhere between $12-$14 per man hour, this means that depending on patrols and supervisory requirements that may be set the average man hour rate will be $20-$25 per man hour.
Finding a quality protection company can be an arduous task for any community and many times it is best for the association to hire a consultant. In turn they will do all the research and provide a report for the association on viable options with the pro’s and cons and allow the association to make a educated decision.
Another aspect is electronic security for your home. As I mentioned in the previous article (see “How to Safeguard Your Home Part 1”) the amount that you spend on your security system really depends on many factors. A good rule of thumb that I tell my clients to use is estimate is at one percent of your home value at time of purchase. Ideally this will allow enough layers of security to ward off any burglars.
Exterior Lighting
After discussing private community security now it is time to move to your homes exterior. Lighting is very important as this is always either the first or second layer of security. Exterior lights should be connected to your alarm system so when the alarm enounces the lights will come on. This is done for two reasons, if security or the police are responding while the would-be burglar is fleeing, they will be easier to be seen, also, when the police respond there will be no doubt which is the home in question.
If you live in a darker neighborhood another good idea is to have your lights be able to turn on by your garage remote this will give you a better view of your perimeter. Should you see someone you don not know, do not get out of the car, in fact drive a safe distance away or to the security entrance and call the police or security patrol.
Motion Cameras
Another good idea to have in all entrances are motion cameras which begin recording only when they sense motion in their line of sight. These should also be night vision capable. This way is someone attempts to break in they will caught on camera.
Common Sense
No matter how good your security system is, there are a few things that I have to remind everyone.
1- Lock all your doors with dead bolts and if you have sliding glass doors use some sort of stopper. Something as easy as placing an cut broom stick in the bottom rail so the door can’t slide open will make a huge difference,
2- Use your alarm system. Even if you have a million dollar system if you don’t use it, its useless. When installed have your consultant explain to you and your family exactly how to use it. Don’t be scared to ask questions, the only dumb question is the one you don’t ask.
3- Have your system check every year or so. If your system doesn’t have auto check capabilities have your consultant come out every year or two to run a check on the system. Also, if any major changes happen in your life i.e. new baby addition of high value items, ask your consultant to do a new survey; this also gives your consultant to check the current crime stats in your area.
4- Unless you have a trained and certified guard dog, most dogs will not provide deterrence to a seasoned burglar, so don’t rely on your dog for protection.
These are but a few of the things that can be done to safeguard you family and possessions. Many of the item I have discussed in these two article are relatively economical that can be done.
To be safe does not have to break the bank; just using some know how and common sense can go a long way to protect yourself, your family and possessions.