How to Save Money by Using Low Cost Natural and Safe Cleaning Substitutes

There is no doubt about it; prices on food and non-food items are escalating every day, and there seems to be no end in sight. Because many people are heavily into debt now than ever before and can use assistance in managing their finances, sometimes the little things we do count the most when trying to cut back on our spending.
When it comes to cleaning supplies, there are some natural and safe alternatives and common food ingredients, which can substitute as cleaning helpers in a pinch. Many of these items are probably in your homes right now. The next time you run out of a cleaning item, instead of running to the store, save those extra pennies and use what is on hand. You will not only make money, but you will also help to keep the environment greener and safer.

Baking Soda, Washing Soda and Borax can substitute as household cleaners and laundry additives. These products can be used as all-purpose cleaners, toilet bowl cleaners, cleansers, grease softeners, carpet stain removers, oven cleaners and ammonia-based cleaners and as laundry boosters namely soil/stain removers, presoakers, fabric softeners, and bleach substitutes. Never use washing soda or baking soda on aluminum.

White Distilled Vinegar acts as a disinfectant, carpet-stain remover, soil/stain remover from clothing, an all-purpose cleaner, and anti-static. It cleans aluminum, plastic, and removes lime deposits in tea and coffee pots. Never use vinegar on marble, and never mix with chlorine bleach, because toxic fumes can result and may cause illness or death.

Salt can stand in as a disinfectant, cleanser, carpet-stain remover, cleanser, and a soil/stain remover from clothing.

Club Soda is a great all purpose cleaner, carpet-stain remover, pet stain remover and a soil and stain remover on clothing. It removes bloodstains and other stubborn stains.

Toothpaste is excellent for cleaning silver and gold but use occasionally. Continuous use may cause scratching.

Borax can substitute as a pesticide. Sprinkle around corners.

Cream of Tarter is a fruit powder used in cooking and baking. It is also good for removing rust stains from washable fabrics and cleans aluminum pots and pans.

Cayenne Pepper is an excellent ant repellent. Sprinkle pepper along edge of door to yard or terrace.

Ketchup or Worcestershire sauce cleans copper bottom pans.

Olive Oil or Vegetable Oil substitutes as a natural wood furniture polish. Use three parts oil plus one part lemon juice. Apply with a clean, soft cloth and buff.

Mayonnaise substitutes as a natural wood furniture polish. Apply a little on a clean, soft cloth and buff.

Salt, flour and vinegar will clean unlacquered brass and copper. Use one part salt, one part flour and two parts vinegar. Rub metal, rinse with water, and buff with a cloth.

Salt plus vinegar or lemon is excellent for cleaning copper bottom pans.

To make your own all-purpose cleaner, mix one tablespoon Borax, two teaspoons soap and one quart of water and store in spray bottle. Add vinegar to cut grease.

To create your own disinfectant, dissolve �½ cup Borax in 1 gallon of hot water.

Mixing one part vinegar and two parts water will make a great window cleaner

*Even though these products are deemed safe, please keep all of these substances out of the reach of children and pets.

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