How to Save Money on Utilities

Yes, here is the third publication from my household to yours. These tried and true ideas are mentioned to save you, perhaps hundreds of dollars over a year.

Winter temperatures will be upon us, causing the utility bills to sky rocket. Numerous things can be done to lower those unacceptable bills that come each month. Over many years of using, on the top covers, I found a wonderful selection of items that have taken the comforters place. Since hot air rises, the mattress warmer is a solid, reasonable and scientific idea. Even though this item runs on electric, it can be used very efficiently.

While you are getting ready for your bedtime routine, put the matttress or bed warmer on a medium heat setting. I place my night time clothes in between the top and bottom sheets . I get into warm night wear as well as a warm bed. The mattress warmer gets placed under the bottom sheet, so the effect of its warmth is felt quickly. The bed/mattress warmer can be turned off soon after you retire in the bed. The room thermostat can be set at a much lower temperature when this item is used., thus saving on heating costs.

Flannel or fleece sheets are materials that maintain the body heat for a long time. There are several weights of material in these fabrics, so shop wisely. Along with the flannel or fleece sheet, a sponge-like blanket has not been given the value it deserves. There are numerous top blankets such as Velleux brand you might want to consider to hold body heat longer for a warmer nights sleep. These covers can save on bills for rooms using electric or gas heat. Those of you who do not like weight on yor body at night will be comforted and not bogged down with a heavy upper blanket.

Many manufactures have come out with a radiator looking space heater. The most efficient ones have an oil in them that circulates over and over never needing a refill. There are several setting to these upright electric devices that are very safe to use. I purchased two large ceraminc tiles to place under my heater for added security. Since the heaters come with wheels, the can go from the den in the early evening to the bedroom at night. This type of heater can easily warm a 12X14 room in a matter of a few minutes. Now, you are probably asking why they are mentioned in this money saving article since they are electric, right? The automatic turn off is initiated for efficiency. The unit stays quite warm after it has been manually turned off as well. Another point I need to share is the entire home does not have to be heated when using this oil filled, portable heater. The heater will create and extremely comfortable temperature if a door to the room is shut. These units are quite streamlined in design to fit easily in most rooms. Some caution is mentioned here as it is in the packing material, to not put close to clothing or drapes. Now the most exciting part of this last suggestion is the price of these units. Depending on where you purchase them, they range from $20 to $50. Home Depot, K-Mart and Costco all sell these heaters. Stay warm this winter and save money while you do.

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