How to Save on Your Electric Bill

The one bill I hate to open is the electric bill. It seems that out of all my monthly utility bills that this is the one that can really fluctuate. More than once I have opened it and had a nasty surprise. It has been my goal to be able to cut down on the electric usage in my home, to help get rid of this problem.

Many things in your home can be electric using pigs. Many of the things you can work around and others you just have to bit the bullet. Here in the south the air conditioner is one of those things. In the summer time, which last from March to November here in Georgia, the air conditioner seems to stay on. While I won’t live without it there are things that you can do to make it more energy efficient. The first is to turn it up a degree or two. It is estimated that for each degree you raise the temperature that you can save up to five percent of your cost. If you have an older system you may want to think of upgrade. It is one of those spend money to save money. Most new air conditioning units can save you up to fifty percent over old outdated units. A good tip is to have your unit serviced and cleaned, as well as changing your air filters on your unit. Both of these make sure you unit is working to the best of its ability and therefore using less electric. Another good tip to making your air conditioner unit more efficient is to simply draw your shades, blinds or curtains. In other words keeping the heat out of your house will make it so your air conditioner unit doesn’t have so much work to do.

Some electric companies have programs where electric is cheaper during certain times of the day. You can call you electric company to check out this option. You sign up for this program and then you pay attention to when you are consuming electric. Often times the lowest rates are during the day. This would be the time to run your washer, dryer, dishwasher and air conditioner units. This option takes a bit of planning and while it doesn’t save you on electric usage, it will in the long run save you money on your electric bill.

Paying attention to your washer and dryer is also important. Clogged filter and improper ventilation can lead to your unit working to hard and consuming more electric to get your clothes clean. Also don’t run your washer and dryer until you have a full load. This also saves on ware and tear of your washer and dryer. Your refrigerator and freezer should have their coils cleaned on a regular basis as well. Look at all your major appliances. Making sure that they are in proper operating condition is an energy saving tip that is often overlooked.

When you buy new appliances look for those that are more energy efficient. Even if you have to pay a bit more for those that are more energy efficient it will pay out in the long run. If they have a recommendation from the manufacture as to how often they should be serviced, stick to this schedule. Well maintained appliances are more energy efficient.

Many people have electric hot water heaters. Insulate your hot water heater. Kits to do this can be found at your local hardware store or home improvement store. Lowering your hot water temperature to 120 degrees can also save you money on that electric bill. As this is a comfortable temperature for most. Showers also take less hot water than baths too.

Little things around the house make a difference as well. Try energy efficient light bulbs, and making sure that lights are off in rooms that aren’t being used. Turn off the TV, radio or computers when you leave a room.

Become energy conscience. The more you think about it, the more little things that will come to mind of ways that you can save on your electric bill. Not only will you be saving yourself money, but you will be helping your lessen your impact on the environment.

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