How to Shop Online for Egyptian Decor

Egyptian style decor is fabulous but not all that common or easy to find. The Egyptian look is beautiful for a living room, bedroom, den or even a bathroom. Some items, like real palm trees are easier to find than other items such as pyramid lamps. If you live in a small town it’s even harder to find Egyptian-style furnishings. Palm trees, in various sizes and styles, are easily found at most stores that sell hanging baskets, trees and other plants.

You could spend quite a bit of time going from store to store looking for Egyptian decor or you can save time and gas by doing most of your browsing at home. Go online and put “Egyptian decor” or “Egyptian furnishings” in your favorite search engine to see what stores carry products related to Egypt. You can also be more specific such as “pyramid lamps” or “palm tree wallpaper border”.

Egyptian decor doesn’t necessarily come from Egypt. If you want genuine Egyptian-made furnishings and decor be sure to put “genuine”, “Egyptian artifacts” or “made in Egypt” in the search engine, next to your search query. Some stores online actually have a real store in the real world where you can go and view the products in person.

Some places have such a large variety of styles and designs that you’re bound to find something you can use. For example, wallpaper stores have a vast supply of paper where you’re bound to find something in palm tree, pyramid, camel or other Egyptian themes. Home improvement stores have various knobs and handles and it’s easy to change the old ones for the new look. Simply changing handles on a dresser can give it an Egyptian look. Fabric stores also carry such a huge variety that you’ll find something in the color or pattern you desire. And, you can use the cloth to decorate other things. Cut patterns out of the cloth and use decoupage glue to affix the patterns to walls, dressers, bed posts or lamps.

Craft shops are another good place to hunt for pyramid shapes, ceramic palms, and Egyptian-style baskets. If a craft store doesn’t have exactly what you’re looking for consider making it yourself with their supplies. For instance, fabric paints, sold at craft stores, are perfect for making small pyramids all over a plain lampshade. They also work on curtains or quilts. It’s easy to make a pyramid shape using only lines. Start by making five horizontal lines, side by side, then going up about half an inch and drawing four lines, then three, two, one. Each row should get smaller and smaller.

Craft stores have wooden pyramid shapes, and sometimes, glass pyramids. These are nice to set on a shelf or use as a paperweight. And, they often carry small novelties which you can place on existing items at home. Palm trees with a flat backside can be easily attached to the corner of a mirror or a waste paper can. Flat, triangular shapes can be painted and positioned onto a headboard, footboard or at random spots on the wall.

Wall tattoos, all the rage for decorating large sections of walls, are simply huge rub-on appliques. These types of online retailers sell sheets of various themes, including Egyptian decor. Using the enclosed popsicle-stick-type applicator the tattoos are easily transferred onto walls, doors, mirrors and other solids.

Egyptian area rugs are a great addition to your home decor. Search specifically for “Egyptian rugs” or go to a nearby store that sells quality area rugs to see what they offer. Even if they don’t have the Egyptian theme it’s possible that they can order it for you. They often have catalogs depicting the various rug designs that they can order.

Online auctions are a great resource for finding Egyptian items. Whether genuine, reproduction or novelty, you’ll find something of interest at the larger, more reputable online auctions. Be sure and check the seller’s feedback before engaging in a transaction online. And, ask the seller specific questions about items that are used so that you understand exactly what condition the piece is in.

Catalogs often present opportunities for ordering things you wouldn’t normally find elsewhere. Search for catalogs with particular Egyptian themes or for ones that sell novelties. Novelty catalogs almost always carry some types of Egyptian collectibles or trinkets. Finding Egyptian-theme decor items may not be very easy but with persistence you can decorate your bedroom in this unique theme.

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