How to Spank a Turkey and Bring Your Family Together

“I’m spanking the turkey so it’ll be good while it’s in the oven,” I replied, and then added “and you guys are next!”
Three little faces stared from me to the turkey and back again, and then huge smiled spread across those little faces. Our youngest, grinned the biggest, and said “Can we spank it?” It caught me off guard, but I replied “Sure! Why not?” And one by one, the boys lined up to ‘spank’ the turkey.
Their laughter at this odd, yet fun, act was enough to turn my whole day around and to cut all that stress off my shoulders. When Dad came in to see what was going on, they made him get in on the action too. In just a few moments, it transformed our stressful day into a fun, family event.
Even now, almost ten years later, this is a tradition that my now teenage boys enjoy still. They taught our daughter how to ‘spank’ the turkey as well, something that she looks forward to as much as they do. While it’s a great tradition, even if it is an odd one, I don’t think that the boys will ever realize how much that small act means to me as a mother and how it transformed our first Thanksgiving together into something so much more.