How to Start Your Own Hip Hop Dance Class

If you are a fan of hip hop music and you love to dance, then you may be interested in opening your own hip hop dance class. If this sounds like something that you will want to do, then you should take the time to read the rest of this article. The first thing that you will need to do is evaluate what kind of budget you are working with. Most people who are interested in starting their own dance class are usually working with very low budgets. Once you have determined what you budget looks like you will then need to figure out what age group you want to teach. For example are you looking to teach young children, teens, or adults? Or maybe you want to teach all different age groups. Whatever your end goal is you will need to first start small. So I would recommend that you pick one primary age group that you want to start with and then see how well it works out, before you go on to other age groups.

Now it is time to find a venue for your hip hop dance class. The first stop you will need to make would be your local recreation department. Just about every town has some sort of recreation facility that offers various programs for children of the community. But before you go to speak to anyone at the recreation department it would definitely be a good idea to put your idea into writing. Be specific about what will be taught in your hip hop dance class, how much you plan on charging if anything, and exactly what each individual will learn. You will also need to include a short profile about yourself. Help them to see what makes you qualified to teach this sort of class, and what skills you have in the area of hip hop dance. They will probably also want to make sure that you will not be playing any type of derogatory or questionable music. So make sure that you point this out as well.

If the recreation department does not have any space available for you to conduct your class then you can visit some of your local dance schools who do not currently offer hip hop dance classes. Once again you are going to have to sell yourself to them. Show them why you are qualified to teach this class and why they should add your skills to their school. Another suggestion would be to visit your community colleges in the area. They usually offer various dance classes for both children and adults in the evening. Contact the school and see if the have any room for an additional class during the upcoming semester or school year. Usually when dealing with community colleges they offer new courses each semester or season, so make sure you submit your information before the deadline. Opening your own hip hop class can definitely be a lot of fun, and will give you a great sense of accomplishment. Remember with this type of business it should really be more about enjoying your work, rather than about making a profit.

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