How to Start a Local Writers Group

1.) Post a notice at your local library. Even with the convenience of the internet a lot of us writers still love the quaintness of paging through an actual book for references. While you are there you can also inquire about using the actual library as a meeting space. As your group grows or just for a change of scenery you can later branch out into holding the writing sessions at the homes of members. But what better location to start then in the very place that holds the most inspiration for those that love the written word?
2.) Post a bulletin at any local coffee shop in your neighborhood. If you only get a few replies at first, this is another great place to hold your first few meetings. You can ask the owners about having readings there for a change of pace. They might jump on the idea to bring in a little more business. Coffee and prose go hand in hand. Create your own small poetry slam and see how many closet writers come out of the woodwork.
3.) Ask any local bookstore to hand your fliers out at the check out counter. This is also a great venue for future readings (especially if any one in the group turns out to be the author of a book) as everyone loves a local famous person and will line up to get their personal souvenir signed!
4.) If you live in an especially small town, approach the local newspaper about including a press release in the next issue or simply write a letter to the editor about your interest in creating such a group. This would be a great way to develop a relationship with the local publishing industry. The future of your writers group could include contests such as writing letters to the editor on specific topics and see who gets published or maybe eventually even partnering with the paper to hold other writing contests based on local events or businesses.
5.) Finally, (this may seem counterproductive but hear me out) start a free web-based group at a place such as yahoo or msn. Make sure to include your location in the name (e.g. Writers Group of New Prague, Minnesota) and include in the description that you would like to start a local writers group that holds personal meetings. This will come in handy in the future for notices, events etc. as your group grows. Make sure you include the e-mail address to subscribe to this list in all the bulletins that you place around town.
If you are like me, freelancing from home takes up most of the spare time between my children and day to day tasks. It would be nice to get away sometimes and talk to others that share my passion. Justifying it with deadlines approaching and laundry piling up is another story. If you start a local writers group, your fun time will be guilt free. After all, you are still out working on your craft. The laughs you have while doing it will just be considered a bonus.