How to Stop Spending Too Much Time on the Internet

We just can’t help it. Sometimes, we need to spend a good amount of time using the Internet. Internet has made so many things convenient and simple. However, this can go into overdrive when people find themselves spending too much time on the Internet. So how do you curb your internet appetite? Here are a few tips.

1. Schedule time. You may sound like a teenage girl when thinking this, but you really need to spend time thinking about your time. How much do you spend online? How little do you spend online somedays? Think of a day when you spent the least amount of time on the internet and let that be your guide. If, one your busiest day, you only spent an hour online, then set to only spend an hour each day on the computer.

2. Work only. Save the Internet for the inevitable. If you work online, this is the time to use the internet. Reserving the internet for work related use allows you to schedule time because you schedule work time, anyways. Also, it allows you to see the computer as simply a tool to do things you would normally do rather than a substitute for living your real life.

3. Research in books. A lot of people like to browse the internet for factual information and research for school. This leads to endless computer time because many get overwhelmed by the amount of information. If you’re studying for an exam or looking up a topic, choose a book instead. Close your laptop and head down to your local library or keep topical books handy for fact checking.

4. Avoid internet communication. It may be tempting to email, social network and instant message someone online. However, this can lead to hours and hours online. Instead, write someone a letter, it only takes two days for them to get it. Fax someone a paper or speak to them over the phone. Not many people do this any more because they have substituted personal connections with words on a screen.

5. Have “at-home” hobbies. People think that hobbies are only reserved for outdoors and leave nothing to do when they come home. As a result, they spend all of their time at home on the computer. Yes, you will be home a lot in life. However, online entertainment should never be a hobby. Think of things to do in the home that are entertaining and relaxing such as reading, drawing, playing with children, cooking etc.

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