How to Succeed as a Single Parent

Single parent families are the fastest growing family style in the US. Due to the record number of divorces, desertions, separations, and illegitimate births, single parent families seems to be the consequence for millions of parents and children. Many parents become depressed, because they realize how difficult it is to raise a child alone. One thing that single parents have to do is master the household routine.

You should be conscientious about your domestic responsibilities. This will help to add to the happiness of your children. You may also have to learn to use your hands in new ways. Consulting knowledgeable friends, how-to books, and helpful professionals, can be a big help. There is also nothing wrong with asking your child to help out. Although you do not want to overload your children with work.

Many single parents find it difficult to meet their financial needs. In most areas there is public assistance available; it may be wise to make use of it. Often times, many are forced to reenter the job market after years of being a homemaker. They are often force to find low-paying jobs. A friend of mine manages to make improvements to her job offers by enrolling in job training programs or short-term school courses. This can have a very harsh affect on your children. Do not be surprised if they feel unhappy about your returning to work.

Take the time to explain to them why you have to return to work, but do not put blame on the other parent, whether it is their fault or not. It will take time, but your child will adjust to the changes. Reassure them that you will still be around to care for them, and give them the advice and support that they need. This will of course mean a lot more work for you as the parent, but your children are worth the effort.

Another important fact you will want to remember is to maintain discipline. If there is shared custody you may feel that your children prefers being with your former mate. Situations like these may make it difficult to administer balanced discipline. Remember try to be reasonable, consistent, and firm. Most of the time children do respond well to these efforts. If possible you may want to talk with the other parent to come to a mutual agreement on how the children should be disciplined. If you do not get along with the other parent, you may want to make an effort to do so.

This is a very difficult thing for many parents to do, however it will prove to be beneficial for your children. Aren’t they the most important thing? Even if there are hurt feeling’s involved you may just have to push them aside, and do what is best for your kids. You should always put them first, even if it means you have to apologize for something that was not your fault. It is more important to care for your children then to attempt to be the winner of some silly argument. The support and help of family and friends during a difficult time is a big help.

They may be able to help you with a little extra money, needed repairs, or caring for the children while you are at work. Ultimately single parents have to carry their own load of responsibility. However with the loving support of your friends and family you can overcome any obstacle that you may come across.

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