How to Survive Insects in the Summer

Summer as we know is all about the nice weather, cookouts, and yes them insect bites we all get. It is hard to avoid them sometimes. Some nice nights we sit outside and feel like we are getting eating alive. We end up with bitten bubbles on our legs, toes, arms, and face. It is gross but no mater how much mosquito spray or lotion you out on yourself they seem to always find a spot to bite you. It can hurt and some can be painful. Most are just small bites and get swollen. Summer can be no fun with these insects flying around all day long. Here is how and what to do when bitten by them.

Stingrays can hurt if you are stung. Most people get stung if they step on it. If you step on a stingray pour hot water over the puncture to break down the venom. Get a tetanus booster shot if you have not in the last past ten years. If the pain lasts longer than a few hours you need to call Poison Control. They will be bale to help you out. Survivor tip: Pack your foot in hot sand if you don’t have hot water.

Everyone loves going to the beach in the summer and what do we get stung by there? Jellyfish, yes they can sting you. If you get stung run out of the water and remove and tentacles with a towel, and rinse with salt water. Apply an ice pack on it. When you go into the water sometimes you can not see them if you are swimming or playing. They come very fast at you. Survivor tip: If ice is not helping try using vinegar.

Ticks are a gross and creepy insect sometimes that are on your clothes or sneakers. They are big and black and can bite. If you see on yourself than grab a pair of tweezers and remove it off. Grab it slowly so you can get it the whole thing off. Clean the area with soap and water, and dab on an antiseptic such as rubbing alcohol or cream. If you are scared to remove it than tell someone near you to do it for you. You can go to the Emergency Room. Survivor tip: If you do not have any tweezers handy than leave until you do. Do not use your fingers to do it will inject more bacteria if you do. Ticks can be removed by placing a drop of lighter fluid, alcohol (such as whiskey), or gasoline on the tick’s body and waiting for the tick to drop off.

Busy bees are always near flowers, plants, fresh cut grass and you. They can be scary they are big stingers. If you get stung scrap it off right away with a card or key or fingernail. Clean the area with soap and water, and apply with an ice pack. Survivor tip: If you do not have ice, smear on a paste of mud, campfire ashes and cold water. The two greatest risks from most insect stings are allergic reaction (which occasionally could be fatal in some individuals ) and infection (more common and less serious).

Poison Ivy can be annoying and irritating. End that itchy poison ivy right away. Remove any jewelry and wash the area with soap and water. Go to the pharmacy and purchase some poison ivy cream to stop itching. It will remove the ivy oil and helps prevent spreading. Take some Benadryl. Survivor tip: You should know what the rash looks like. It can start off small and get bigger and red. It can be found in trees or bushes. Be careful of this is a green, reddish plant.

If you are camping for the weekend with friends and family bring your medical kit with you. A medical or first aid kit should include these:
Band aids
Trauma shears
Plastic bags
Heat/Cold packs
Mirror/Signal device
Flagging tape
Survival blanket

Precautions include the use of insect repellants, insecticide room sprays, mosquito netting, and screened windows. Light, long sleeved clothing and long pants should be worn for excursions into rural settings. When hiking, pant cuffs should be tucked into socks. Every evening, the hiker should search for and remove ticks from clothing and skin. If you are sitting on your porch or deck apply some type of spray or lotion. They sell some that are not greasy or sticking. Sleep inside of mosquito netting, or well-screened or air-conditioned rooms, whenever possible. Vitamin B-1 (thiamine) is often an effective insect repellant for some people (the smell can repel biting insects). Take one Vitamin B-1 (100 milligrams) tablet by mouth each morning and evening in addition to using insect repellants. Regardless of how careful you are, or how many precautions you take when outside, insect bites and stings are sometimes unavoidable.

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