How to Take Professional Style Photos Yourself

It doesn’t have to be hard to take your own. First of all though, I would recommend buying a digital camera with a larger memory stick, the money you save on getting rolls of film developed will pay for the camera alone. Plus you always know what the pictures look like when you take them and can delete or retake as photos as you want. Just make sure you do your research to find the best deal for your money. You don’t necessarily have to spend a huge amount of money for a good quality camera.
If you are going for the posed look that you get from a portrait studio, you can set up a plain colored sheet in your living room or bedroom, or you could always go outside and let nature be your background. Don’t be afraid to use props or different things to add more to the photo. You probably have more of a chance of making sure your kids are happy and you won’t be rushed to get done. Use some creative touches and you will have some great shots in no time. Even professional photographers take hundreds of shots though just to get a few good pictures.
Some of my favorite photos that I have of my kids are ones that I took when they were outside playing. You get better light outside and it always looks good. Don’t be afraid to go to a park, playground, or anywhere you think might be a great place to find some good backgrounds.
If you are using a digital camera, you have a few options on how to develop or print your pictures. You could go to the kiosk that they have in almost any pharmacy or department store or you could print your own. You can download them to the computer and correct any red eyes or edit any of the photos to what you want them to be. Then you can burn them on to a cd disk and take to have them printed. There are also many websites that have free places to upload and share your photos with family and friends.
My sister had my stepfather and a hired photographer take pictures of her wedding and she thought the ones that my stepfather had took turned out better. I asked to take the pictures at my wedding and they turned out great. So with a good camera, a photoshop program, and someone to take the pictures you can have a great photo without spending the huge amount of money for portraits from a professional.