How to Talk to Your Anorexic Daughters:They May Have Correctable Health Imbalances

Of course, all cases are different, but for the most part, anorexic girls are known to be the more highly motivated, talented, intelligent Caucasian adolescents, from higher income level families who have come to expect perfection. However, your individual anorexic daughter needs you to look into what unique characteristics have led to this imbalance. Genetics influence the development of Anorexia. Half the risk of developing anorexia eating disorder may be inherited. While being this sort of daughter in this sort of family and genetics may predispose her to being very careful about how she looks, health problems may be changing her body shape in ways that are causing your daughter to try to compensate by going into Anorexia Nervosa, in which she starves herself unduly.

If the Anorexia Nervosa is not too severe, your daughter may be at least saving herself from overeating unhealthy foods, may be overdoing her thinness only to the point of eccentric beauty. If she has a mild case, don’t over react. What looks like Anorexia Nervosa may simply be your daughter’s desire or natural propensity for slenderness. If she skips meals, rebels against eating all you cook for meals, counts calories, and works out often, she may be just healthy, and chosing a different relationship to her body than you have. If this is possibly all it is, you may want to avoid bringing up the topic in any dramatic way. But if you can, just casually rap with her about it, talking about your own feelings as well as hers.

If her Anorexia seems moderate to severe, you can get to her by what means most to her-her weight. You have to go about this in a way that can let her know you are not the enemy, as you may represent something to her. You may be overweight yourself, which scares her, or you may be obsessed with your weight, which teaches her, or you may represent too much food coming towards her. The more you can accommodate her desire to look good, the better. Look at your own issues around weight and balance them as much as possible. If you do any of the meal preparation in your family, as you serve healthier foods to them, you will balance your own nutritional needs, making it easier to be a good role model for her. The healthier her diet, the more her brain will be able to perceive her weight correctly.

Many anorexics concentrate on how they look at the moment, but if you can show them the facts about how lowering their metabolism into requiring few calories will affect them for the rest of their lives, they may think twice about their choices. See how much you can get your daughter to focus on weight control through exercise rather than overdieting. If she exercises, she will raise her metabolism, rather than lower it. Once the metabolism is lowered at such a formative age, over a long period, eating remains problematic, and weight control is always difficult. Few calories can be tolerated, the thyroid loses some of its function, the body learns to hold onto fat, and she will not be able to take in enough nutrition through her food.

Anorexia can come on because of health issues that bloat her body, or her abdomen. She may have a problem with parasites, for example. As nearly everyone could benefit by a parasite purge, you can suggest that she do that, and make sure she gets plenty of fiber during the process to wash the parasites out. That may flatten her stomach enough over time that she won’t feel she needs to diet to keep that concave look. She could be suffering from edema from a variety of reasons, and nutritional deficiencies could be contributing to that. Let her know you are on her side by researching whatever could be causing her edema, bloating from gas, or infestation such as parasites or Candida. Candida is a common cause of the body looking and feeling rounded and out of control. If she shows any signs of it, such as a white coated tongue, enlarged pores in a puffy face, craving for sweets and fermented foods, spaciness, vaginal yeast infections, and so on, talk with her about how to take control of her body through controlling her Candida. She will be very grateful to and such allergies cause bloating from gas as well as edema from water retention and mucus overproduction. If she is vegetarian, she may be low on the amino acid Taurine, which could be causing edema. People giving advice about anorexia to parents generally omit this kind of focus, but as a former anorexic, I feel this is extremely important to look at in your daughter’s unique health situation.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome may be entertwined with Anorexia. In their study, (Patchell et al, Acta Neurol Scand 1994 Feb;89(2):111-6) researched 100 patients with Anorexia Nervosa. Neurologic difficulties occurred in 47 anorexics. Neuromuscular abnormalities showed up in 45% of patients. Overall muscular weakness presented itelf in 43% of patients and peripheral neuropathies in 13. The researchers discovered that most of the time, the neurological issues normalized after correction for nutritional deficiencies electrolyte imbalances. This shows us perhaps a relationship between CFS, or M.E., Myalgic Encephalomylitis. Abnormal neurotransmitters, hormone malfunctioning both have been found to be significantly higher in Anorexics in other studies. The cause and effect would be interesting to explore.

Anorexia can lead to serious health issues, and it may also be caused by imbalances you can address, in the role of a good friend who wants to help her have a flat abdomen, and remain slender in the future. Concentrating on these approaches may help her listen to you, and you may cure far more than your daughter’s Anorexia that if you can be her friend and find a way to look the way she really should, out of the clutches of imbalance. Candida can cause her to have more allergies, but Candida or no, looking at allergies is an excellent step in finding a way to help her body be as she wants it, so she doesn’t have to overdo it with Candida to reach the hourglass figure she wants. The most common allergens are dairy and wheat, and such allergies cause bloating from gas as well as edema from water retention and mucus overproduction. If she is vegetarian, she may be low on the amino acid Taurine, which could be causing edema. People giving advice about anorexia to parents generally omit this kind of focus, but as a former anorexic, I feel this is extremely important to look at in your daughter’s unique health situation.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome may be entertwined with Anorexia. In their study, (Patchell et al, Acta Neurol Scand 1994 Feb;89(2):111-6) researched 100 patients with Anorexia Nervosa. Neurologic difficulties occurred in 47 anorexics. Neuromuscular abnormalities showed up in 45% of patients. Overall muscular weakness presented itelf in 43% of patients and peripheral neuropathies in 13. The researchers discovered that most of the time, the neurological issues normalized after correction for nutritional deficiencies electrolyte imbalances. This shows us perhaps a relationship between CFS, or M.E., Myalgic Encephalomylitis. Abnormal neurotransmitters, hormone malfunctioning both have been found to be significantly higher in Anorexics in other studies. The cause and effect would be interesting to explore.

Anorexia can lead to serious health issues, and it may also be caused by imbalances you can address, in the role of a good friend who wants to help her have a flat abdomen, and remain slender in the future. Concentrating on these approaches may help her listen to you, and you may cure far more than your daughter’s Anorexia that way.

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