How to Teach Your Children to Be Generous

At an early age little ones learn to share food, clothing, and other things with those around them. These children usually grow to become well-adjusted mature adults. A very simple way to tell whether your child is generous or selfish is to observe them while they are playing with other children. A young child who is selfish will be very possessive with their toys. Often they refuse to let anyone even touch them. A generous child would of course be willing to share. Many children’s behavior is picked up from observing their parents.
A major factor in helping your child is the continuous encouragement given by their parents. You do not want to make your child the center of attention, but you also do not want to neglect them either. The personality of whoever your child is around will definitely rub off on them. So it is important that you choose your child’s association wisely. Too often many parents feel that this type of behavior is just a phase, and that they will grow out of it. When this behavior is first notices parents should work toward uprooting it as quickly as possible.
Mothers especially need to make such efforts, since thy usually are with the children more then the father. But because of this it is important that both parents work in harmony with one another to help and make the children feel secure. Feeling insecure can make a child more anxious, and more possessive. A child can also become very withdrawn in personality and dealings with other people. You may begin to feel discouraged if everything that you try does not seem to work. Just remember that everything you do makes an impression on your child.
What if your child is an only child? Those children with no brothers or sisters to associate with and share thing, most often become quite greedy and self-centered. If nothing is done this behavior can stay with them until they are adults. If you are concerned about your children, you must take action as soon as possible. No parent really wants to raise a selfish child. But do you realize that many parents often contribute to their children’s selfishness. Your own parental attitude can foster greed in your kids.
Some parents want their children to have all the things that they themselves missed while growing up. For example if they had to work hard most of their lives, they do not want their children to have to work hard. Parents having this attitude fail to realize that the hard work and sacrifice3s early in life were factors that helped to make them self-reliant and mature. By denying your child these experiences you can hinder your child’s development of these positive personality traits.
There is no doubt in my mind that when parents give their children everything they want, those kids will grow up believing that everyone else will treat them the same way. Loving parent want their children to grow up to become self-sufficient, reliable, and loving adults. Children usually will do one of two things: what they are taught to do, or what they are allowed to do. Remember to take the time and teach your children to be generous to others.