How to Tell when You Are Ready for Motherhood

The decision to have a child is not one to be taken lightly. Motherhood is a lifetime commitment. You can’t change your mind down the line because you decide its more work or less freedom than you had anticipated. But how will you know if you’re truly ready?

Many women will agree that there were little signs that made them feel prepared to take on motherhood. Some felt that the biological clock was ticking; the time to decide on motherhood was there and must be dealt with. Being in a good relationship made this choice easier. But others who were alone still knew that it was the right time, motherhood was only a step away and they were ready.

More often than the issue of time running out are the subtle influences that let a woman know they are on the brink of being ready for motherhood. Sometimes it starts when a woman begins to be aware of things that she never took notice of before. For example, they will begin to notice pregnant women when they go to the store, or new babies. Its not like they weren’t there before. But as your maternal instincts sneak to the forefront and motherhood becomes a question of when not why, you see things around you in a totally different light.

As you consider motherhood more seriously, those visits to your friends who have children take on a different significance. Those little ones who you only noticed as they passed by on the way to bed are more appealing. As you contemplate motherhood you feel the urge to hold your friend’s baby while she makes the bottle in a way that never mattered to you before.

Whatever it is that makes your heart brim with the thought of impending motherhood you should be sure its what you want. There is no responsibility bigger, no job more important than motherhood and all it stands for!

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