How to Throw a Killa Theme Party or Fest

Ok listen up. It’s seems cozy outside when your kitchen’s clean. Your hair stinks so wash it. And then make yourself a cup of coffee. Are you with me? Sit down now, and read this article about how to test your niche’s boundaries with your kick theme party. Get a piece of paper. Make a list of nouns that make you feel giddy for no apparent reason. Suggestions: rattail, feathers, broken coffee mugs, aluminum foil, binoculars, and potting soil. Belly buttons maybe. Maybe. Ok go… Seriously, before you read the sentence after this one you need to do this list. Now pick the ones that are the most similar. And think, if these three items were to sit around a table:
1. What would they eat? (write it down).
2. What music would the play?
3. Would they get up and dance to the music or more just be all in love with each other to some singer-songwritery songs?
4. Would you want to eat them (are you hungry? Then eat something first. God.)
5. How could you require people to dress that had the essence of these items?
(if you aren’t understanding what I’m saying-forget it. You’re very literal and tiring.)

Now you have set the mood with your scrawly notes on adjectives and ambiance.

Declare a theme. A good theme is one that doesn’t sound like a high school dance-if you’re struggling just pick a noun you like or a verb or something that describes what kinds of activities you’ll be doing, and put “party”, “-fest”, or “a-thon” after it. Examples “our naked party where french fries will be fried burning our skin and causing severe discomfort” “imported beer, pirogies, and some bears-a-thon” or “really quite hairy and revolutionary” or for a philosophy party with some Shirley Temples call it “mixed drinks and a few deep thinks”. The more absurd the better. People get excited when they don’t know what’s going on-make them feel like the power went out.

Then pick a food item (often hit foods are ones associated with cheesy American cities-Sushi, Gumbo or Philly cheese steaks.)
Give assignments. Make one person bring a whole lot of some noun, like “dancing shoes” or “potted plants”. Delegate a game maker-upper to make up a game that pertains to your theme. This person should not be a wet sock, per se. Have someone be a DJ whom you think has taste relevant to your nouns. Put someone in charge of ambiance or flava. Give them your number and tell them to come over a few hours before. Have someone come up with an end of evening activity like acoustic guitar strumming to Joni Mitchell or some dumb thing like that that nobody will want to do. And give somebody the assignment of making weird party favors. Like bags of nuts. And a few more delegations that you come up with. Have them RSVP so that they know what in the hell you’re talking about.

And then have a mad good time. These parties are near guaranteed to make you question what things in your lives are worth doing. And how much fun is that.

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