How to Throw an Adult Halloween Party

Halloween is a fun holiday and should be enjoyed by all age groups. Have your own party this Halloween and make it the most talked about event of the year! Have your own theme for your party, give out creative invitations, have fun games and great decorations. You’ll have a blast preparing for your party and even more fun during the event!
Theme Ideas:
50’s Grease Party
60’s Hippie Party
70’s Disco Party
Envy Party – People that we are envious of. Brides, pop stars, film stars, sports people, filthy rich people, fabulously beautiful people.
Murder Mystery – These are great fun! There is murdering going on while you are in the house (or where party will be held) and your guests have to guess who is the murderer. You will need a few people for acting the roles, but your guests will love it. Set your guests up to make it appear to the other guests that they are the murderer. Make it last as long as you want.
When I grow up – Have guests arrive dressed up in the uniform of what they wanted to be when they were 5 years old.
Moulin Rouge Party – See the film, check out the outfits, music and the fun!
Initials Party – Come dressed as your initials. (FA = Fat Albert, BS = Barbara Streisand, MB = Mr Bean)
Flirt Party – (Guys) Try the obvious criminals of passion, the great tempters of history. The hard-core, flirt-without-shame boys like Don Juan, Casanova, Errol Flynn, Jon Holmes, James Bond, Warren Beatty, Shaft, Bill Clinton, Hugh Grant, Julio Inglese, Chef from South Park, Barry White, and Tom Jones! (Girls) Come as a woman who is totally unafraid to flaunt her sexuality; Madonna, Monroe, Cleopatra, Aphrodite, Joan Collins, Elizabeth Taylor, Cat Woman, Monica Lewinsky, Mae West, Sharon Stone or Ivana Trump.
Army Party – Army greens, face paint and Good Morning Vietnam.
Medieval Mischief Party – Watch films like Robin Hood, Lancelot or Braveheart for a guide. The series Rome is a great guide also.
Hillbilly Party – The Beverly Hillbillies
Bling Party -Go for the gold! Gaudy and glitzy, buy a can of gold paint and create your own glitz blitz. Get sequinned fabrics to make hot pants or a flashy tube top.
Animal Instincts – Animal print! Feather boas are bound to tickle your fancy
Cross Dressing – The boys go as girls and the girls go as boys. It could be interesting!
Celebrity Party – Dress up as your favorite stars! Beatles, Elvis, Madonna, 50 Cent, Beyonce, Eminem
Black & White – Have guests arrive wearing black or white and use black lights to illuminate the party
Gods & Godesses – Pick a theme such as roman / greek. Guests pick a god or godess of their choice & dress accordingly. Decorate premises, use a throne for the highest god, lots of throw cushions, fake leaves and vines work well also for decor.
Alphabet Party – Choose a letter of the alphabet that requires everyone to dress up as a character or person that begins with a certain letter. (“P” party = Peter Pan, Police officer, Pirate, Pig, or Pam Anderson.
Heaven and Hell Party – Darken one room with red drapes, a fake fire, dry ice or smoke machine. Dim or coloured cloth over lamps & throw around a few ropes & chains for Hell. Other room is bright & airy with white flowing gossamer drapes. Get creative.
Barn Dances – Country and Western Party.
Wild Wild West Party – Old-West shoot-’em-up party.
Stone-Age Party – Yabba dabba do! Think “Bedrock.”
Phantom of the Opera – Throw your own Masquerade Ball and permit only those with a mask to come in.
Colour Party – Choose a colour that requires everyone to dress up in that colour. Award a prize for the most original costume (bottle of champagne).
Pirate Party – Ships, ports and all aboard..
Western Night – Cowboys and indians.
Boxer Shorts & Bow Tie – Guests arrive in their pajamas, it can be naughty or nice!
Decorating Ideas:
Have a few disposable cameras around to keep the memory of your party.
Serve drinks in a witch’s cauldron with dry ice in bottom..
Use candles.
Have scary CD’s for great sound effects.
Fog machines.
Subersible foggers, (for pools and ponds).
Scary man in the bathtub. When your guests walk into the bathroom they see a man in the bathtub. This really will work best if your tub can’t be seen very well until you get into the bathroom. Just take a pilot jumpsuit and black workboots, stuff it well with newspaper to make it look like a real person and add a scary mask with a hat to make the head. This one can work really well if it’s done right.
Scary man on the porch. You’ll need a volunteer to sit pretty close to your front door. When your guests walk up, it will appear that you have a stuffed dummy sitting in a chair on your porch. When they go to knock on your door your person will jump out of the chair and yell next to them. Be careful because this one can really scare some people!
Strobe lights
Jumping bathroom spider. Tie a large rubber spider to a fishing line & hide it beside the commode. Run the line up to the ceiling through a small screw eye & across to a thumb tack at the top of the door. When an entering guest closes the door, the spider jumps up from behind the toilet.
Spider webs
Fun Games:
Object: To create a scary tale, each person getting one minute and the next person take over!
What You Need: Index cards, a pen, a minute timer.
How to play: Get a pack of index cards and a pen. Write a phrase on each card that would be a scary line for story or that has to do with Halloween or both! (see below for ideas). Get a minute timer. Then, pass around the deck of cards, face down. Turn down the lights and light a candle to set the mood or give each person a flash light to hold under their face as they speak. Each player picks a card from the deck and begins to spin a tale for one minute. When the minute is up, he/she hands the cards to the next person, who picks one and turns the story another direction. They should repeat the last line spoken by the previous person so the story keeps going. The game ends when the last person has gone, when the cards run out or when everyone has had enough of it, it’s an endless game! This game is better for children over the age of 6 to adults.
Ideas for cards:
It was a stormy night…
The coffin creaked…
A banshee screamed…
A body lay in the corner! It looked like…
The candlelight flickered in the wind…
Inside the boiling pot, a hand bobbed…
The claws belonged to a wolfman…
The door creaked open. It was a vampire…
The skeleton stood up and shook itself off…
The goblet was filled with blood…
As the light switched on, rats scattered…
From the open grave rose a…
Suddenly the severed head opend it’s eyes…
I felt something moving on my shoulder, it was…
The ghost moaned…
This game is sure to get a few laughs and maybe even a little scare!
Object: Bob for apples first, then bob for a marshmallow – in a bowl of flour!
What you will need: Apples, big tub of water, bowl of flour, and marshmallows.
How to play: This game begins just like the regular bobbing for apples except it adds a new twist. Immediately after bobbing for apples, the person bobs for marshmallows in a bowl of flour. You can just imagine the results. The game is quite messy so make sure the floor is covered with plastic for quick and easy clean up.
Making your invitations:
Begin the haunting by either sending packaged invitations that coordinate with the theme that you are using. Invitations can add much excitement and anticipation to the party, so make them good!
A few ideas:
Cut a witch’s hat out of black construction paper and write your party details with a white gel pen.
Write all of your party details on the front or back of a mask (the kind that covers only the eyes and nose.)
Hand deliver small pumpkins or gourds with your party details written on the back and a funny or scary face drawn on the front.
Order custom Halloween Invitations.
Cut pumpkins, ghouls, or tombstones out of construction paper and write down details of the party. Throw in some Halloween confetti for fun!
Whatever you choose to do this year for your Halloween party, just remember to have fun doing it. There are so many ways to get very creative when it comes to decorating. Let your imagination go! Have a blast with your party this year and maybe get some great ideas for next year’s party as well. Remember, adult partys can be naughty or nice, so pick your theme and go from there. Enjoy your party and don’t forget to be safe!