How to Trigger Green Traffic Lights

Anybody who rides an electric scooter, a motorcycle, a bicycle, or drives a small car may notices this problem. Even when there is not traffic, the traffic light does not turn green. It is a very frustrating experience. Peole also get frustrated now because of the high price of gasoline.

Of course, this is only the case in towns where the traffic lights are not on a timed system, but change because there is a sensor in the road that detects the vehicles. Now there is a way to change this. This trick will save time, gasoline, and frustration.

Here is what you will need:

Two neodymium magnets with a pulling force of over six pounds each

Heavy duty exterior mounting tape (a roll is great, but you’ll only need a few pieces)

Chrome plated pill holder with a rubber O-ring seal

Here’s how you do it:

First, place the magnets into the chrome plated pill holder. Close the top of the pill holder tightly. You may choose to cut a small piece of the mounting tape to put around the top. Do not put too much tape around the top. Just a small piece to keep the pill holder closed is enough. Placing the magnets inside the pill holder will keep them from rusting.

Then tape the pill holder to the bottom of your vehicle. Make sure it is taped so that the magnets are perpendicular to the road.

Now that the pill holder is taped to your vehicle, take it out and try it. Hopefully the traffic light will turn green when you approach rather than staying red.

Why it works:

In many towns, traffic lights are controlled by what are known as Inductive-Loop Traffic Detectors.

These look like small wires in the road. When a vehicle approaches, the conductive material is sensed and the traffic light will change when there is not traffic or at least know to follow a timer when there is traffic. Small cars, motorcycles, electric scooters, and bicycles do not have enough conductive material to trigger the dectectors.

Putting the strong magnets on the bottom of a vehicle produces a force that the detectors will sense. So, when a vehicle with strong magnets goes over one of the detectors, it is sensed. The magnets are conductive materials. They have added to the conductive materials on the vehicle.

To see a video about this, go to

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