How to Turn Your Knowledge into Spare Change

Many people today are looking for a way to supplement their income with just a little side work. They don’t want a second job. Nor do they want a hobby to become a chore. Here is a solution that might just work for some of you with the gift of teaching.

Everyone has knowledge of something. That know-how should never be taken for granted. I was gifted with parents who taught me everything from changing the oil in my car to cooking a 5 course meal fit for a king. My children are now benefitting from that knowledge. But for those of you who have the spare time to make the extra effort, here is a thought.

Gentlemen, you have a mass of customers who need your services. Ladies, if you like getting a little grimey, this is for you too. I have seen far too many people who get totally lost under the hood of a car. So here is a thought. Why not charge a small fee for teaching a class on automotive maintenance. Just the basics. Checking the fluid levels. Making sure the air pressure in the tires is the right PSI. Changing wiper blades. You could even add how to do a tune-up to the list, if your class is intermediate. Things like changing the oil or brake pads isn’t out of the question, either.

Let’s face it, most women just don’t like doing these things. They have been taught from the beginning of time this was man’s work. Except in this day and age, it has become who-ever-can-get-to-it-first work. Another thing to point out is that there are those independent women out there that want to know these things so they don’t have to rely on someone else to do it for them.

This is where you who have the knowledge come in. Teach what you know. Teach what they want to learn. Teach and get paid.

Ladies, I didn’t forget about you. There is a whole myriad of services we do as housewives and mothers that many are dying to gain knowledge and experience on. For instance, the basic of basics, cooking. Everything from figuring out how to make that mass of meat into hamburger patties to how do you know when sour cream goes bad?

An afternoon cooking session can yield many great chefs and some extra dough for you. You could center one class on entre’s, another on appetizers or how to throw a great football party. Even one on baking or desserts.

Don’t forget about plant care, laundry tips and stain removal. Even simple sewing lessons can be useful. For you guys, lawn maintenance, simple power tool use, or even reading a level comes in handy. You may even want to help someone set up a household tool box. Just remember not everyone knows how to read a tape measure. 22 and three of these little marks just doesn’t cut it when building a deck!

So when you sit racking your brain on what you can do in your spare time for spare change, don’t overlook the stuff that is already up there.

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